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Joined:Sat Jan 24, 2015 10:49 pm
Hey I'm kinda new and old here.,.

Sat Jan 24, 2015 11:00 pm

So basically i'm wondering would i be able to participate in the beta for the Project Venice? I've been using this emulator nexus a lot for bad company 2 (Ign is Helmut Schmakker). I came across this years ago just looking to play bad company 2 which i still do now (bf4 is crap) I have got bf3 (non premium) it was on origin for free not long ago so i picked it up was hoping to play some here. So basically i'm saying hi i use this a lot to play bad company 2 i've never really introduced myself just had a few laughs in game with a few players and thats about it really i wanted to join in this one too :)

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