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Madd0g's modding questions

Wed Aug 19, 2015 7:27 pm

Hey guys,I am totaly new to moding(and project rome),but I have been wanting to do my own bf mod for a while(the reason beeing that I believe with just a few stat tweaks and gadgets swaps I can make my dream FPS).
So I decided to make this thread to ask any questions I might have as to how to create my mod and hope someone would help.

So how hard would it be and how exactly can I do some of the following stuff:

1)Tweak headshot multiplier.I know you can tweak player health in server options,but I really want to tweak hs multiplier aswell(my idea is to increase player hp by about 50-100% and double hs multiplier)

2)Tweak soldier acceleration and run speed(and maybe that of vehicles aswell).

3)Tweak weapon stats like recoil,spread,bullet speed,dmg and dmg drop off and so on.

4)Swap weapons and gadgets between the classes(e.g. give medics carabines and give engies LMGs and so on).

5)Remove/Disable the secondary perk three completely(aka magnum ammo,body armor and the rest).

6)Remove/Disable certain gadgets/weapons(e.g. carl gustav).

Now for some really complicated ones:

7)Overhaul how flag capturing mechanics work.
This one is gonna be pretty complicated I guess,but my idea is to make flags similar to rush mcomcs,where you have to walk to the mcom,arm it and a timer will start ticking.
For those of you who might be familiar with a game called section 8,this is EXACTLY the system I want to implement,make flags "hackable",where after you hack it you have to deffend that hack for X ammount of time,in which the enemy team can defuse it.
Securing the flag shouldnt blow up the mcom(flag) and make it disapear,it should just give your team the flag and the enemy would have to hack it aswell in order to get it back.
Another cool thing I would like to implement is to change how flag spawning works,so when you spawn on one of your team's flags,you get to parachute on top of it(bf3 spawn beacon style).
As a last extra to this idea,I wonder can you make certain flags on the map have different cap times for different teams(for example the flag next to your team's deployment should take your team like 15 seconds to hack back and capture,while it should take 60 seconds for the enemy team to do so,thus helping with uneven teams and base rape situations).

If this is way too ambitios and complicated to do,is there a way I can just tweak normal flag cap times?

8)Add new gadgets which have a passive effects(e.g. add a body armor for the assault which reduces body dmg [without affecting hs dmg] by 40% and players could choose between that and normal equipment like nade launcher/C4,
a stealth suit for the recon making him immune to both 3d and 2d spoting and so on).

9)Increase number of flags on the map and be able to add mcom type flags anywhere I want.
A cool addition to this would be the ability to implement a latice system(like in planetside 2),where flags are lined up in several major lanes and in order to push and capture flags closer to your oponents main,you have to capture the flag next to it first,other wise you would be un able to hack/plant the objective.

10)Add stamina bar,which get's depleated when a soldier is runing(bf2 style).

There are many more thing I would love to do and I might add them to this thread later,but I would be really happy if I could just pull of most of the stuff from this list.

Joined:Mon Jul 21, 2014 1:15 pm

Re: Madd0g's modding questions

Fri Aug 21, 2015 10:09 am

No one can help?
Ok :(

Joined:Tue Jul 23, 2013 7:37 am

Re: Madd0g's modding questions

Fri Aug 21, 2015 9:35 pm

Hi i'm by all means not an expert but i can help you with some things and tell you to to forget others.
Firs if you want to keep your server open to everybody there are things you cant change else you incur in desynk and kik of player. To join players would have do have the modified files too.
1)Headshot mult is specific of every weapon. this means you will have to modify each value of each weapon. Very long to do.
2)Vehicles speed and acceleration is possible because i have seen it on some servers but i don't know how. For player speed and acceleration it would pose more difficoulties. not shure if possible or how you will have to see for yourself.
3)This one is fairly simple just as headshot mult but long if you have to mod many weapons.
4)This i have no idea how to do but it is very reasonable to assume that it would cause desynk. don't get your hopes up for this one.
5) cloud be possible by changing what each of the perks does to render them useless. for example magnum ammo +25% damage-> +0% damage. Still i believe they are pretty cool and wouldn't disable them.
6)that can be done without the need of modding. I wouldn't know if it is possible by modding. You can do it by using server management tools such as procon and his plugins to limit weapons usage. A very nice plugin is proconrulz that allows you to write your own rules in addition to the presets offered.
7)well forget the activation thing. i believe you could temper with the time needed to capture a flag but it would probably be so for all flags on a certain map. No team dstinction.
For flag spawn it is quite possible to modify spawn positions. theoretically you could use the already present parachute spawn system present for team bases in some maps and copy it for the flag. but i think this could easily cause desink.
8) add completely new things ? forget it. You can only modify what you already have. you cauld change what some of the already present perks do. Risk desyk.
9)To make addition flags is very difficult and definetly causes desynk so it would necessitate modified files for players to join. Never heard of anyone trying to add mcoms and thus i have no idea what kind of troubles you could encounter.
10) impossible. nothing similar in game.
To be clear on what can be done simply and without desynk and what not:
If it is a matter of changing a value somewhere in the files it is almost always possible without desynk.
So try to think what you want to do in a way that changes only values.
If you want to make modifications to a map or the system by adding vehicles spawns flags ecc.. the players will need to have your modified files to join.
I'm not an expert, quite the opposite so i wouldn't be surprised if you managed to pull off some of the the things i reputed to difficult or impossible.
On how to mod in general please refer to the posts:
Mod Tools, creating new borders and more : http://forums.veniceunleashed.net/viewt ... =33&t=1420
Extra vehicles server side mod tutorial : http://forums.veniceunleashed.net/viewt ... =33&t=4792
They will help you understand how it works.
Sorry for my bad typing, hope this can help you a bit :)
Please keep us informed on your progress and ask away if you have some questions.

Joined:Mon Jul 21, 2014 1:15 pm

Re: Madd0g's modding questions

Sun Aug 23, 2015 9:35 am

Thx for the answer man.
Gotta admit you killed my enthusiasm,I realize it would take me atleast an year to do half the things I want to do and even if I did it,I cant possibly populate a server with 32p.
Ohh well,maybe for bf3,there I can get closer to my original idea with just a few stats tweaks,but in bc2...no way.

Joined:Tue Jul 23, 2013 7:37 am

Re: Madd0g's modding questions

Sun Aug 23, 2015 11:27 am

Don't give up so easily, You can still get a very decent experience with the tools and by just adjusting some values.
For example people have come up with some really cool ideas to work around the desynk: want to add more helis to map? Make the heli respawn even if it already did so now you have 2 helis ;) . You can move spawn locations around for example moving UAV to a different place. I have recently discovered that you can swap a vehicle on the map with another (which is already present on the map) without desynk. This last method opens up a lot of possibilities but it seems that sometimes, with some vehicles it doesn't work and it causes desynk.
Changing weapons stats is easy, in my server I modified the c4 so that it can be triggered as soon as it is deployed without having to wait that half second (this allows people to more effectively use it but at the cost of self damage or suicide), I reduced resupply time for ammunition for c4 and granade launcher, and tweaked the hellfire missile on attack heli (secondary specialization) so that it would work as m3ata.
My maps have no borders and particularly heavy metal has 3 attack helis per team, 4 jeeps on every base, transport helis on A and C base, disabled tanks on A,B,C , disabled anti Air gun on B. My intention is to use less tanks and more jeeps and transport helis. I would like to mod the TOW missile so that it would be able to aim higher and be used more effectively by infantry other than engineers to take down choppers but still requiring some skill.
So as you see there are many things you can do and if you read around in the forum you will find out more.
I suggest you to at least open the files to see for yourself how they are structured and what kind of values and settings there are to be modified.
Let me know how it goes :)

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