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Re: It's VOIP problem maybe?

Thu Feb 28, 2013 3:50 pm

ivkoni wrote:That is the problem, i have no friends with whom i play BC2 and how can i have skype name to person that i don't even know ? or TS ? That is why i needed to know how can i fix it. But unfortunately it is broken, so stop telling me what to use instead of voip.

Can you imagine how annoying it is when people ingame are asking things like "who wants to play with me" all the time? Also, posting your skype ID is like the most stupid thing you could possibly do.

Use Skype, TS or Ventrilo (No, I don't care if you want to to stop telling you that)

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Re: It's VOIP problem maybe?

Thu Feb 28, 2013 8:22 pm

Rob you are like Pop star of nexus so who wouldn't ask you to play with him? I remember one game, you were in the same server as I we played 2 -3 rounds in Conquest after you left our team left with you so we got destroyed afterwards. So my point is (and point of the thread) is about voip, that's all. If i wanted to talk in skype i would do that same for TS. I just wanted to know is it only with my game that i can't use voip in-game (name of the thread should give you direction about what is in the thread not spamming bout skype and TS).
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Re: It's VOIP problem maybe?

Thu Feb 28, 2013 8:31 pm

ivkoni wrote:Rob you are like Pop star of nexus so who wouldn't ask you to play with him? I remember one game, you were in the same server as I we played 2 -3 rounds in Conquest after you left our team left with you so we got destroyed afterwards. So my point is (and point of the thread) is about voip, that's all. If i wanted to talk in skype i would do that same for TS. I just wanted to know is it only with my game that i can't use voip in-game (name of the thread should give you direction about what is in the thread not spamming bout skype and TS).

Pop star? lol :mrgreen:

I can't really remember that round, what's your ingame name?

About your problem: The VoIP Bug is caused by the game itself, not by Nexus. Everyone hast this problem, even on EA's servers. There isn't anything we can do about it.

Alternative: Many servers provide a server-wide TS where every player can join. So you don't even have to ask people about their Skype ID etc, you can simply join the TS and talk with the players you want.


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Re: It's VOIP problem maybe?

Thu Feb 28, 2013 8:36 pm

I was playing back then with Voinicheto and the map was Isla Inocentes. Now i play with 0p7iCPC cuz i like the name more :D
TwitchTV: Wat4that

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Re: It's VOIP problem maybe?

Thu Feb 28, 2013 8:40 pm

ivkoni wrote:I was playing back then with Voinicheto and the map was Isla Inocentes. Now i play with 0p7iCPC cuz i like the name more :D

Yeah, I play Isla Inocentes a lot. I'll keep that name in mind, maybe I'll see you ingame sometime ;)

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