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2 questions about VU

Sun Oct 19, 2014 9:46 am

First question:Can PB banned players play on the VU servers.I guess that is already a yes cause VU doesn't have PB.I was banned for using colour mod.I was using sweetfx and it worked fine then I used the colour mod which got me banned. Dumb of me to not research before using it. I would like confirmation on this.Luck of me that I got 2 copies for myself
Second question:Does VU have Anti-cheat?There are not so many hackers in the original game but when there are,it totally ruins the match.I saw one support guy get 89/5(this is legit in some extreme cases,I've seen a legit player do 100/2 once) and all he was doing was firing his MG while inside a trash disposal thingy(the yellow-coloured one)on its side(the side where you can't see anything).He lasted for 5 rounds and PB didn't even issue a kick.
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Re: 2 questions about VU

Sun Oct 19, 2014 10:02 am

There is no anticheat in Venice for now, but there doesn't have to be one since it's in Closed Beta either. People get handpicked and the ones that do attempt to cheat will receive an early X-mas Bannhammer. As for PB, VU isn't connected to PB in any way so I guess you'll be able to play. Hence why there's a need for an anticheat when it finally does release out of Beta because hackers might try to do the same they're doing in BC2. VU however requires a license and as far as I remember, banning someone meant that he can't play on this account unlike in Rome where you can make a new one.

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Re: 2 questions about VU

Sun Oct 19, 2014 3:41 pm

m0chil wrote:Does VU have Anti-cheat?

If VU has proper 1st person spectating then it already has the most effective anti-cheat that has ever been in any game.
Spectator mode means that aimbots, wallhacks, no-recoil, etc. can be easily spotted for a 100% accurate ban. 8-)

P.S. The purpose of pb is not to provide an effective anti-cheat (just google "punkbuster undetected cheat" if you want to see how easily it can be bypassed). The main purpose of pb is to provide commercial game devs with an easy check-off for an anti-cheat. The fact that it doesn't work is irrelevant. Another benefit is extra sales of a game to the players who get themselves banned. Whether the ban is legitimate or not doesn't matter as long as the publisher can't be sued for damages.
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Re: 2 questions about VU

Sun Oct 19, 2014 4:17 pm

1. Yes PB banned players can access VU since we are not linked to the PB/GGC-Stream ban database. There isn't even a reason for that.

2. No there is no anti-cheat implemented yet. Actually there is no point in doing so because the developers are currently focusing on making the client stable.

We didn't even leave the Closed Beta state. We barely have 20 active players.
When the project gets more populated an anti-cheat would rather make any sense.

Questions answered. Topic locked.

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