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Re: Ping Issue

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 12:48 pm
by aXeSwY
Yunus wrote:So, what do you think now??

Please open your CMD and type the following :

Code: Select all



the ip address belong to Conquest Top Maps #2 server it's located in Germany

in Nexus server browser I get 80 which not accurate

Re: Ping Issue

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 2:35 pm
by RobbingHood
Well, Pakistan is pretty far away from central Europe (where most of the servers are hosted), so getting a Ping <100 is nothing surprising.
There's sadly nothing you can do about it (except you or someone else from your region decides to host a server).

OT: Axeswy, what kind of theme is that? :o

Re: Ping Issue

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 5:30 pm
by mouz
AXESWY wrote:
Yunus wrote:So, what do you think now??

Please open your CMD and type the following :

Code: Select all



the ip address belong to Conquest Top Maps #2 server it's located in Germany

in Nexus server browser I get 80 which not accurate

It's perfectly accurate because when you do a cmd ping command you get the response immediately, when you are in game it takes a few milliseconds for your game client to send the request and for server to process and respond, and plus the fps lock on the servers adds about 1-10 ms (this is why servers have different ping). The game measures time to register that's much higher than the ping itself due to the client. For example in counter strike 1.6 you could have a ping less than 10 in game, but what most players do not know is that they are playing 100 ms in the past because a delay is needed to prevent "rubberbanding". In cs 1.6 it can be lowered to 9 ms minimum but when spectating players they would appear move and aim snappy, it wouldn't be smooth. So if i was to monitor how long it takes in counter strike when I pull the trigger until it registers a death on my screen it would be around 130~150 ms, but the game would say less than 10 because that's how long it takes to ping the server. BC2 counts all these things in so you know when you pull the trigger it takes that long to register it on your screen. There is also a flaw in the net code where you shoot people who you see on your screen but server processes things on their screen (it's gets a bit tricky here, if your ping is 70 and the other player's ping is 30 on the server you are 70 ms in the past and the other player is 30 ms, but for you the other player is 100 ms in the past), so it's missing some kind of a delay on the client side. Sometimes when it looks like you hit him, and you see the animation, but a different situation actually happened on the server so it would not register a hit.

Re: Ping Issue

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 7:56 am
by Yunus
my bad.

Re: Ping Issue

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 5:20 pm
by blueman24
Hey man,I'm from India and i do not lag on any repZ servers. Maybe something is wrong with your isp. Trace route to that repZ server. Anyways, I was thinking to host a server but my internet speeds are totally retarded.maybe i will try a 16 player squad deathmatch server.

Re: Ping Issue

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 12:37 am
by TacTicToe
Yunus wrote:
yah i was just interested in your internet speed & if it was enough.

So, what do you think now??


Personally looks like your internet kind of suxors.