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Joined:Wed Aug 05, 2015 9:23 pm
Another FNG...

Mon Sep 07, 2015 4:09 am

Hi! My son (who I introduced to Battlefield 1942 and its mods back when he was a kid) turned me on to your project and I got excited. Although I have BF4 (and all the other BF-related games in the series) and play it occasionally, I have a lot more fun (and less frustration) playing BF3. I was sad to see BF3 slowly dying (in terms of players and servers) but after seeing what you are trying to accomplish with VR I realized there were others on the planet that saw the same limitations that I always wish didn't exist in BF3.

I can't wait for the open Beta! I'd love to see BF3 reach its full potential in my lifetime and it looks like VR is the way it will get there. See you on the Battlefield...

Colonel Meatwad

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