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Sun Jan 10, 2016 3:22 pm

Hello guys :)
I know that there is hardcore mode in BF3. But I would like to see it even more hardcore than it is, maybe more realistic. For example :

Healing - You wouldn't be able to heal at all. No revives.

Bleeding - If you would get hit to leg/arm you would start bleeding (the player would also be slower), but you could stop the bleeding with medkit.

1 shot = 1 kill - If you would hit an enemy to torso or head it would be instant kill.

Stamina - You could sprint only for a few seconds, then you would be slower and slower. Also if you fall from a high place, you would break your legs
and you could only crawl.

Only one parachute per death

Air vehicles - If you leave your helicopter/jet in mid air you couldn't enter the vehicle in mid air again. No seat switching.

All vehicles - You couldn't repair your vehicle at all.

Spawning - You can only spawn on base/flag. No squad or vehicle spawning.

No crosshair, no minimap, no ammo/health display, no kill cam

These are some of my ideas. Some are already in game. Some are probably not possible to make (I don't know which things you can do in modding).
But I would really enjoy this kind of mod.

So my questions are : Is it even possible to make something like this ?
Would you like to see this mod in the future ?

Also I would like to know your ideas and opinions.

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