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Ingame Visuals

Thu Jan 07, 2016 2:54 am

Hello fellas.

Can you please look into removing smoke/fog/dust from the maps except the black smoke etc from environment effects such as metro where trains are on fire causing black smoke.

It will increase fps and make the game more crisp and easier on the eyes and also its something that just shouldn't even be in the game. The only dust and smoke that should be in the game is from player created ones such as throwing smokes and explosions from nades causing smoke/dust. Overall it will have a much much better competitive feel when playing the game and will give players a reason to use smokes etc. You may also want to look at the sunshafts and glare lighting effects as this also just adds to making the game looks blurry/foggy when not needed unless its a desert map or something.

I hope you will look into this as its always been a massive annoyance and will also add to the list of reasons people should join/donate to this mod.

Thanks and im interested to see what others think of this.

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Re: Ingame Visuals

Thu Jan 07, 2016 3:20 am

Once the modtools are public, you can remove them when you want. Since it's included to the base game, I doubt devs will remove those things only because some guys wants it.
I only prefer such removes, when there a promod like IW3/4 for competives games

Joined:Thu Jan 07, 2016 12:56 am

Re: Ingame Visuals

Thu Jan 07, 2016 3:52 am

IDD i think they should make it an option for servers owners to turn the settings on/off rather than having them off by default.

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