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Re-balancing DICE'd weapons.

Fri Dec 25, 2015 4:16 pm

1. Frag ammo - stopping power is OK, but the fire rate nerf is what makes them useless. With many servers running no suppression they will become totally unneeded addon without suppressing capabilities nor stopping power. Damage is fine, but removing fire rate penalty would IMO make them balanced, limited use (room cleaning, wiping campers in corners) viable weapon.

2. TV missile - everybody knows how hitboxes work on this one. Also, I think that instead of spammable anti-air weapon as it is now, it should be 1-hit-kill or 90% dmg to tanks but with 30 seconds reload making it effectively non-spammable weapon that is aimed more towards ground targets than aircraft.

3. Mobile AA - It should demolish air, and it does it. But not from half map away, sitting in its own uncap. Range on this thing is ridiculous.

4. C4 - it would be nice, if we could throw it further than under our own feet. Also, they should not disappear after death, however the not-able-to-set-them-off-after-respawn thing should stay.

EDIT: L96 has 20x ballistic scope, can we get it on 98B please? :P

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