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Spectator Improvements

Sun May 10, 2015 6:22 am

EDIT: I just realized I posted this in IMPLEMENTED by accident, can someone please move it to the SUGGESTIONS & FEEDBACK? I'm new to the forums and can't find out how to delete my post :?

I tried spectator mode for a few rounds and thought I would share some of my ideas.

When pressing TAB to select a player to spectate, maybe grey out the names of players that are dead or haven't spawned in yet. Or have some sort of indication which players are dead and which players are alive.

The lower right HUD should be shown as well in first person mode. By that I mean the ammo count, grenades, health ect. It would be really helpful for future use imo.

In 3rd person mode, give a choice to have the camera inverted or not. For me 3rd person camera was inverted and was a bit annoying to move around the camera.Some people prefer inverted, others like me prefer normal so I think giving an option to choose would be nice.

In free roam it would help to track of the players if they had their names above their head, like if they were spotted. That way if you're in free mode and want to go to a certain players first person view you can look at their name and know immediately who it is

I also found the free roam camera movement with WASD a bit slow, could it be possible to make it faster? For example, maybe make it so you can double tap W so you can move faster, or maybe make a keybind so you can sort of "sprint" while in free roam.

Also a few notes, the killfeed in the top right wouldn't show half the time in spec mode. And in first person mode the arms and weapons looked a bit stretched out :p
That one isn't a big deal so it should be pretty low in the priority list, or maybe not there at all. Just pointing it out


Those are the only things I can think of for now, but maybe some of you guys will agree and hopefully they can implement some of these things. I really love BF3 and from what I've seen the VU mod has done nothing but good things for the game, thank you guys for your hard work.

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Re: Spectator Improvements

Sun May 10, 2015 11:27 am

OnomatopoeiaBoo wrote:I also found the free roam camera movement with WASD a bit slow, could it be possible to make it faster? For example, maybe make it so you can double tap W so you can move faster, or maybe make a keybind so you can sort of "sprint" while in free roam.

Try PgUp/PgDown.

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Re: Spectator Improvements

Sun May 10, 2015 12:50 pm

Before spectating, press ESC x2. This will bring back the health/ammo hud as well as it should bring back nametags on freecam. We are aware of the issues with UI not properly loading at first, and thank you for your suggestions :D
kiwidog > NoFaTe.

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