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Chat crashes game

Mon Dec 28, 2015 5:43 am

not everytime, but sometimes when I hit ENTER it crashes. No idea why, seems only to happen when I press enter.


gigabyte GA-970A-D3 motherboard
AMD fx 4100 quad core cpu (shitty bulldozer architecture)
GTX 970
uhh 800 watt psu bronze certified
ermm plenty of ram
Windows 7

latest drivers, probably not latest windows version. if you need anything more reply or message

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Re: Chat crashes game

Mon Dec 28, 2015 11:09 am

Any errors when that crash happens? Haven't heard of anyone else having this issue so all the info you can provide is a +

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Re: Chat crashes game

Mon Dec 28, 2015 11:59 am

This is most likely caused by the VeniceEXT system, we are aware of multiple issues surrounding the EXT system and are working on fixes. (I get this crash too, after I press enter after sending some messages, but not always, but it happens often enough to be annoying).
kiwidog > NoFaTe.

Joined:Mon Dec 28, 2015 5:35 am

Re: Chat crashes game

Mon Dec 28, 2015 11:06 pm

no crash reports or anything, I can look at what task manager is doing next time tho. game just exits and yeah. thank u for the reply developer man and A+ on whatever help you provide to Venice. Going to donate once this thing gets out of beta

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Re: Chat crashes game

Mon Dec 28, 2015 11:12 pm

I have narrowed down a few hotspot's in the EXT code, and I am adding more debugging currently to figure out what exactly is going on and to give everyone a smoother experience. The first part of this has rolled out already (10791 iirc), with the second part rolling out as soon as testing is finished. In due time everything will be solved, but it may be a few days, we will keep everyone updated.
kiwidog > NoFaTe.

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