*BFBC2 Mod Loader*
Created by Heico

BFBC2 Mod Loader allows you to install your client & server side mods easy & fast without modifying or replacing original game files, so you don't need to waste time for creating backups of your files anymore. To make this possible I modified two tiny text files of the game that specifies the fbrb. archives which are to be loaded by the game. With BFBC2 Mod Loader installed the game loads a few additional fbrb. archives which are located in BFBC2 Root\package\mods. My tool manages these archives and installs mods to it.
Works with Singleplayer, Multiplayer & Vietnam Add-On!
New: BFBC2 Mod Loader has a server and map browser now!
-Easy & fast installation of BFBC2 Mod Loader compatible mods
-Modifies only a few mod archives instead of ~1000 original game archives
-Does not modify original archives/files except two tiny text files
-Detects conflicts and blocks installation so you don't mess up your mod archive
-Disable & enable all mods and revert modified files back to original without deleting all mods
-A server and map browser that let you easily download and install custom maps
-UI for managing your mods (enable/disable and delete single mods, change load order etc.)
Please consider supporting me by reporting bugs, giving feedback, making suggestions or endorsing this mod if you like it.
You are server owner, modder or mod user and want to discuss about Battlefield mods and modding?
Join Battlefield Modding Discord! A Discord server all about modding the Battlefield series!
You just want to talk about BFBC2 in general? Or find people to play with?
Join UNITY Gamers Forum and UNITY Gamers Discord.
For Modders
Until the release of the BFBC2 Toolkit you have to create and pack the mods manually.
You can use the mod templates located under "Miscellaneous Files" as an orientation.
To learn how to create mods make sure to check out Venice Unleashed Forum, Napisal's Youtube Channel and our Discord server.
BFBC2 Toolkit and detailed instructions will follow soon™!
For Server Owners
If you have mods installed on your server and would like your server to be added to the server browser of this tool, please contact me here.
You can also join Battlefield Modding Discord and contact me there or just contact me directly: Heico#5562.
Joining https://discord.gg/sGuMEHcBattlefield Modding Discord is recommended if you don't want to miss an update for BFBC2 Mod Loader or a map anymore.
Known Issues
No known issues yet.
If you find a bug or the tool does not start at all please don't hesitate to report it to me!
Not compatible with mods that are modifying "package.mft" or "bundleManifest", but they can be made compatible by either modifying the "package.mft" and "bundleManifest" or by repacking the mod like described in the section "For Modders" above. I may add a tutorial soon™.
Compatible Mods
-No Bad Filter
-No Vietnam Filter
-Enhanced Draw Distance
-Vehicle HUD Overhaul
-No Lens Flare
-Explosions Emit Light
-Weapon Skins
-No Intro
-Bad Company Menu Theme
-BF1943 Critical Health Filter
For more BFBC2 mods and information, visit Venice Unleashed & UNITY Gamers!
-.NET Framework 4.6.1
-Python 2.7 (must be installed directly to C:\ drive)
1. Copy all files and folders to your BFBC2 root folder. (where BFBC2Game.exe is located)
2. Execute "BFBC2ModLoader.exe" and click "Install Mod" to install a compatible mod.
3. That's it, enjoy!
1. Copy all files and folders to your server root folder. (where Frost.Game.Main_Win32_Final.exe is located)
2. Execute "BFBC2ModLoader.exe" and click "Install Mod" to install a compatible mod.
3. That's it, enjoy!
Note: If you have both client & server you also need to install the tool for both.
To avoid confusion, I recommend to create a shortcut for both exe files and rename them to "BFBC2 Mod Loader Client" & "BFBC2 Mod Loader Server" for example. Only install client mods to client and server mods to server or it will cause issues and mess up your mod archive!
Tip: The title of my tool tells you if it is in client or server mode, so you always know which exe file you have opened.
-Feel free to share pictures or videos about my tools, but credits would be nice.
-Do NOT include my tools or parts of it in your mods, you need to link my tool if it is required for your mod!
-Do NOT (re)share my tools on Nexus Mods or other sites!
-Do NOT sell my tools or parts of it!
If you need specific permissions not listed here, don't hesitate to contact me.
My mods are exclusive to Nexus Mods!
Note: Different rules apply to third party content, see ...\BFBC2ModLoader\Docs\Licenses or the licenses below.
-Frankelstner for his Python script which packs the .fbrb archive. Without his work in the BF Community "BFBC2 Mod Loader" would not be possible!
-Napisal & bad .baubau for all the time they invested to figure out how Frostbite works. Without them I would not even know about BFBC2 modding.
-Yasirkula for providing the code of his FileDownloader class, which my tool uses to download large files from Google Drive.
-Danny Beckett for providing the code of his IniFile class, which my tool uses to handle ini files.
-Icons8 for providing several icons, which my tool uses for some buttons. (license)
-MahApps.Metro library © 2019 MahApps for expanding WPF's design possibilities (license)
-ControlzEx library © 2015-2019 Jan Karger, Bastian Schmidt (license)
-Microsoft for the development environment "Visual Studio".
-DICE & Electronic Arts for the game "Battlefield".
Since this tool modifies two game files directly, there is always the risk of a BAN! I'm using client side mods (only cosmetic stuff) on both official servers (Punkbuster protected) and Nexus Emulator/Project Rome servers for a long time now without any problems yet. Even the official servers are modded as hell, so I don't expect a ban in the future. I'm still NOT responsible for any BAN you get, so use this mod on your OWN RISK!
Download on Nexus Mods!
No direct download link, you will be redirected to the main page of this mod on Nexus Mods.
Note: Requires an account on Nexus Mods to download which is completely free!
Created by Heico

BFBC2 Mod Loader allows you to install your client & server side mods easy & fast without modifying or replacing original game files, so you don't need to waste time for creating backups of your files anymore. To make this possible I modified two tiny text files of the game that specifies the fbrb. archives which are to be loaded by the game. With BFBC2 Mod Loader installed the game loads a few additional fbrb. archives which are located in BFBC2 Root\package\mods. My tool manages these archives and installs mods to it.
Works with Singleplayer, Multiplayer & Vietnam Add-On!
New: BFBC2 Mod Loader has a server and map browser now!
-Easy & fast installation of BFBC2 Mod Loader compatible mods
-Modifies only a few mod archives instead of ~1000 original game archives
-Does not modify original archives/files except two tiny text files
-Detects conflicts and blocks installation so you don't mess up your mod archive
-Disable & enable all mods and revert modified files back to original without deleting all mods
-A server and map browser that let you easily download and install custom maps
-UI for managing your mods (enable/disable and delete single mods, change load order etc.)
Please consider supporting me by reporting bugs, giving feedback, making suggestions or endorsing this mod if you like it.
You are server owner, modder or mod user and want to discuss about Battlefield mods and modding?
Join Battlefield Modding Discord! A Discord server all about modding the Battlefield series!
You just want to talk about BFBC2 in general? Or find people to play with?
Join UNITY Gamers Forum and UNITY Gamers Discord.
For Modders
Until the release of the BFBC2 Toolkit you have to create and pack the mods manually.
You can use the mod templates located under "Miscellaneous Files" as an orientation.
To learn how to create mods make sure to check out Venice Unleashed Forum, Napisal's Youtube Channel and our Discord server.
BFBC2 Toolkit and detailed instructions will follow soon™!
For Server Owners
If you have mods installed on your server and would like your server to be added to the server browser of this tool, please contact me here.
You can also join Battlefield Modding Discord and contact me there or just contact me directly: Heico#5562.
Joining https://discord.gg/sGuMEHcBattlefield Modding Discord is recommended if you don't want to miss an update for BFBC2 Mod Loader or a map anymore.
Known Issues
No known issues yet.
If you find a bug or the tool does not start at all please don't hesitate to report it to me!
Not compatible with mods that are modifying "package.mft" or "bundleManifest", but they can be made compatible by either modifying the "package.mft" and "bundleManifest" or by repacking the mod like described in the section "For Modders" above. I may add a tutorial soon™.
Compatible Mods
-No Bad Filter
-No Vietnam Filter
-Enhanced Draw Distance
-Vehicle HUD Overhaul
-No Lens Flare
-Explosions Emit Light
-Weapon Skins
-No Intro
-Bad Company Menu Theme
-BF1943 Critical Health Filter
For more BFBC2 mods and information, visit Venice Unleashed & UNITY Gamers!
-.NET Framework 4.6.1
-Python 2.7 (must be installed directly to C:\ drive)
1. Copy all files and folders to your BFBC2 root folder. (where BFBC2Game.exe is located)
2. Execute "BFBC2ModLoader.exe" and click "Install Mod" to install a compatible mod.
3. That's it, enjoy!
1. Copy all files and folders to your server root folder. (where Frost.Game.Main_Win32_Final.exe is located)
2. Execute "BFBC2ModLoader.exe" and click "Install Mod" to install a compatible mod.
3. That's it, enjoy!
Note: If you have both client & server you also need to install the tool for both.
To avoid confusion, I recommend to create a shortcut for both exe files and rename them to "BFBC2 Mod Loader Client" & "BFBC2 Mod Loader Server" for example. Only install client mods to client and server mods to server or it will cause issues and mess up your mod archive!
Tip: The title of my tool tells you if it is in client or server mode, so you always know which exe file you have opened.
-Feel free to share pictures or videos about my tools, but credits would be nice.
-Do NOT include my tools or parts of it in your mods, you need to link my tool if it is required for your mod!
-Do NOT (re)share my tools on Nexus Mods or other sites!
-Do NOT sell my tools or parts of it!
If you need specific permissions not listed here, don't hesitate to contact me.
My mods are exclusive to Nexus Mods!
Note: Different rules apply to third party content, see ...\BFBC2ModLoader\Docs\Licenses or the licenses below.
-Frankelstner for his Python script which packs the .fbrb archive. Without his work in the BF Community "BFBC2 Mod Loader" would not be possible!
-Napisal & bad .baubau for all the time they invested to figure out how Frostbite works. Without them I would not even know about BFBC2 modding.
-Yasirkula for providing the code of his FileDownloader class, which my tool uses to download large files from Google Drive.
-Danny Beckett for providing the code of his IniFile class, which my tool uses to handle ini files.
-Icons8 for providing several icons, which my tool uses for some buttons. (license)
-MahApps.Metro library © 2019 MahApps for expanding WPF's design possibilities (license)
-ControlzEx library © 2015-2019 Jan Karger, Bastian Schmidt (license)
-Microsoft for the development environment "Visual Studio".
-DICE & Electronic Arts for the game "Battlefield".
Since this tool modifies two game files directly, there is always the risk of a BAN! I'm using client side mods (only cosmetic stuff) on both official servers (Punkbuster protected) and Nexus Emulator/Project Rome servers for a long time now without any problems yet. Even the official servers are modded as hell, so I don't expect a ban in the future. I'm still NOT responsible for any BAN you get, so use this mod on your OWN RISK!
Download on Nexus Mods!
No direct download link, you will be redirected to the main page of this mod on Nexus Mods.
Note: Requires an account on Nexus Mods to download which is completely free!