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Dead body remain to lay on map MOD

Wed Jan 07, 2015 12:47 am

I want to show you way how to create easy but fun mod ( for server side ) what makes possible for dead body of soldiers to lay on map after kill.
In game you have 16 kinds of soldiers: US and RU teams, both of them have 4 usual and 4 UPG soldiers. To edit time for all soldiers (only this way it is have sense) you need to do this changes for each one of them. Way: \dist\linux\levels\mp_common\level-00 FbRB\Objects\Soldiers
Now you open one of files like it:
\dist\linux\levels\mp_common\level-00 FbRB\Objects\Soldiers\RU\Assault.dbx
Search there "TimeForCorpse", and you will find it:
<field name="TimeForCorpse">15.0</field>
How you see default time is 15 seconds. Change that parameter for example to 6000.0
After that you need to save .dbx file and open "next soldier" .dbx file. When you are open it search in this time TimeForm Corpse">15.0, then press replace (in search) and paste in "replace field" TimeForCorpse"> 6000.0
Then you need to press "Replace All" button, after that it will show massage to you: Total replaced 1. Now save dbx, open "next soldier" .dbx and press Replace all, it will show massage to you again: Total replaced 1, save. Repeat for all files same simple step.
Note: ctr+F searh, to do all steps dont close sarch tool.
You can't see your own dead body

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Re: Dead body remain to lay on map MOD

Thu Jan 08, 2015 1:26 pm

And confused medic runing around dead bodys trying to revive them Image

Joined:Wed Oct 08, 2014 7:49 pm

Re: Dead body remain to lay on map MOD

Thu Jan 08, 2015 9:38 pm

<field name="ReviveTime">1.0</field> in soldier .dbx ;)

Joined:Thu Jan 24, 2013 11:05 am

Re: Dead body remain to lay on map MOD

Thu Aug 13, 2015 12:29 pm

Trust me, dont do this. It will blow ur server up, because the dead body still cost CPU resources!!!
Suppose the average DeathPerMinute is 1.5. Then in a 32p server, after 10min. there are 480+32 live bodies !!! There is no server can win this job!
And sure, I've tested this before.. even the best E5 server failed to run this smoothly.

Joined:Wed Oct 08, 2014 7:49 pm

Re: Dead body remain to lay on map MOD

Sat Sep 26, 2015 3:14 pm

blackhawkfalled wrote:Trust me, dont do this. It will blow ur server up, because the dead body still cost CPU resources!!!
Suppose the average DeathPerMinute is 1.5. Then in a 32p server, after 10min. there are 480+32 live bodies !!! There is no server can win this job!
And sure, I've tested this before.. even the best E5 server failed to run this smoothly.

I were test it 2 and all were OK!
You not must to do them lay all time as i show - i show only method. 15 sec is poor time - 120 or 60 sec is much more better - any server probably able to handle it

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