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Global Stats/Leaderboards

Thu Dec 20, 2012 9:17 am

First of all the game run very smoothly and the stat saving really works, but I wonder if the Global Stats/Leaderboards will be implemented?

maybe some of you are thinking that:
Q:Why did you asking this you ungrateful moron?
A:Well NoFaTe said that he are emulating a service - meaning he want to make the server emulator as close to the original as possible.So I'm asking this because of curiosity I doesn't really care about the leaderboards tough I'm not good in battlefield yet.
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Re: Global Stats/Leaderboards

Thu Dec 20, 2012 1:38 pm

Atuklawak17 wrote:First of all the game run very smoothly and the stat saving really works, but I wonder if the Global Stats/Leaderboards will be implemented?

maybe some of you are thinking that:
Q:Why did you asking this you ungrateful moron?
A:Well NoFaTe said that he are emulating a service - meaning he want to make the server emulator as close to the original as possible.So I'm asking this because of curiosity I doesn't really care about the leaderboards tough I'm not good in Bettlefold yet.

Leaderboards are planned as a feature, but not for the current server revision.
You will probably see Leaderboards integration in the major update.
[03:55:41] <~Bag> Yes, I can put things inside me when I need to

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