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Thu Dec 10, 2015 4:34 am


New and upcoming release. Unreal 4 engine. Up to 100 players (50v50). Looks alot like Insurgency or Project Reality on a much larger scale. :)


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Re: Squad

Thu Dec 10, 2015 5:55 am

I kind of get the impression that the Squad spin-off of BF2:PR may have run out of steam although I haven't checked any hard numbers.
I think a lot of people lost interest in the Squad project when BF2:PR was finally released as a totally free standalone game.

From a purely practical standpoint, Squad just looks like a slightly different clone of BF2:PR to me so far.
Squad was also totally limited to infantry combat and didn't have vehicles at all the last time I checked.

But hey, more power to the Squad guys if they can make it a success.
However, they are really going to have to bring something impressive to the table or I think that most people will just shrug them off.

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Re: Squad

Fri Dec 11, 2015 5:55 pm

Looks like Arma 2 with all those Ural trucks, it seems nice.

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Re: Squad

Sat Dec 12, 2015 8:31 am

Well it definitely has vehicles now. I like the whole base building aspect too.




Going to be retailing at $39.99 US when it releases. I think they may make clan packs available as well.


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Re: Squad

Sat Dec 12, 2015 9:13 pm

That is just a promo video and not gameplay.

Here is an actual Squad gameplay video that Bluedrake42 published on Nov 25, 2015.
If you check the video at 47:40-48:10 you can hear him make the specific comment that Squad still does not have vehicles.
Squad video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfeU5m9QBrM

I don't know what the devs have said regarding the absence of vehicles but I can only assume that they might be having technical problems.
I definitely think that if there are no vehicles in the actual Steam release then most people will quickly lose interest in the project.
Paying $39.99 for a clone without vehicles isn't going to sound very good when you can already get the original BF2:PR for free.

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Re: Squad

Wed Dec 16, 2015 3:11 am

Ok, well I know there is some discussion on the forums about adding jets as well, so we will see. However s it stands now, servers are rockin. We will see how long it lasts I guess.



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Re: Squad

Wed Dec 16, 2015 8:02 pm

I hate to be too cynical, but it seems pretty apparent to me that this is nothing more than a cash grab by the Squad dev team.
There is no other reason to release the game on Steam in the same unfinished state other than to cash in on the good will of naive gamers.

Just like other "pre-alpha" "early-access" scams, there is no incentive for the devs to put any effort into making the game any good or even finishing it.
If you see features dribble out occasionally while they continue trying to squeeze more money out of people then you will know what they are up to for sure.

The initial server population spike is simply a reflection of people trying to get their money's worth out of their purchase.
I suspect that it will die off pretty quickly once the novelty wears off and people realize what it actually is.

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Re: Squad

Thu Dec 17, 2015 10:16 am

Backed the project when it's still in Kickstarter, didn't like it tbh, so I requested a refund and the devs refunded my perk upgrade fee back to me while still keep the perk.


Game's still under development but as my experience during beta and current EA, I think the game's concept is great but the dev team can't achieve such a high goal, probably lack of UE4 developing experience or else, which reminds me of DayZ.

Also there's http://squad.rocks/ to check current servers status in browser. Might be helpful for those who are on the fence to get Squad.

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Re: Squad

Thu Dec 31, 2015 1:17 am

Its pretty unusual to be able to find an honest review on Youtube in a case like this but I was lucky enough to find a few.
1. Squad review video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWX1305DE6Q (Dead Link)
2. Squad review video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cwdu77GaQsg


It seems the link to the first video has gone dead. Unfortunately it was the better video of the two and the reviewer gave a pretty scathing assessment of Squad. Phrases like "cash grab" and "may never be finished" and "no vehicles" peppered the review and he ultimately recommended not to buy it. I haven't been able to find a backup link so it may have been scrubbed from Youtube by interested parties. :roll:

I think most people are probably now aware that the Squad devs knew that they might never be able to add vehicles.
To be fair, they did at least make a post about it later on: http://forums.joinsquad.com/topic/16330 ... ent-199182

Honestly, the Squad team really needs to stop including vehicles in the "Game Features" list until they can actually add them. (See image below.)
Squad Real Game Features.png
Squad Real Game Features.png (280.78KiB)Viewed 28738 times

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