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Stance on the question of the question

Fri Mar 15, 2013 12:24 pm

Dear community

Since the release of Venice is coming closer with every day the rumors and discussions about the "question of the game" has arised to a new level.

Now, before there will be any misunderstandings i would like to take a stance in the name of Emulator Nexus.

Emulator Nexus will focus on the legality of its projects.

There is no way around or ever will be.

If pirated versions might work with the clients of Rome and Venice, be happy.
If they dont, we wont help you to get them up and running.

We dont support piracy. Neither will I or anyone of the staff.

I say this because of one simple and true sentence written by an old and popular scene release group:

If you like the work of a developer buy the game. Support developers you like by buying their games.

This sentence exists since the old days of the Commodore Amiga. Even the scene release groups refer to a legal term in the end.

We will follow this philosophy. If you like our work, buy the game that is required for it.
There is always a possibility to achieve this.

Just remember:
With an updated game you never will encounter any issues of different versions of mismatching game files.

Thank you for your cooperation.

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