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Bruce Lee
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How To Improve Your Server In Two Steps

Thu May 01, 2014 5:45 am

Hello again,
It seems my last post which conclusively proved the validity of my original post was mysteriously moved to a different section where normal players would be unlikely to notice it whereas the original post which was thread-locked was left in place, lol. Anyhow, to prove my original statement about players with pings over 500 on servers I have included a screenshot* from a DU4 server. Furthermore, since it seems to have been made deliberately difficult for normal players to follow the thread I will paraphrase my original posts for their convenience:

The two most outstanding causes of grief experienced when playing on nexus-based servers which can be easily fixed are:
1. Players with pings of 500+.
(Note: Not only does this make those players nearly impossible to kill it also lags the server.)
2. Players that stay at their team's base and destroy their team's vehicles.
(Note: This is a purely malicious act which effectively cripples the team they are on.)

The two simple solutions which are available to server admins which will effectively remove those causes of grief are:
1. Enforce a ping limit max to join of 300.
(Note: Hitreg and server lag will be greatly improved and it is a universally accepted practice used exactly for that purpose.)
2. Enable player votekick.
(Note: Team vehicle destroyers will be easily voted off the server and order will quickly be restored.
Of course if there is an available script that will automatically kick teamkillers/wreckers that would be even better, lol.)

As I stated in my original posts these are merely suggestions for the server admins to follow or not as they see fit. However, if the majority of servers implemented those two simple rules the quality of gameplay on nexus servers as a whole would be dramatically improved.

P.S. The last post was moved to Administration Outpost if you want to read it. It is somewhat entertaining if I may say so myself, lol.
DU4_screenshot_bfbc2game_20140430224405.jpg (265.86KiB)Viewed 9309 times
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Re: How To Improve Your Server In Two Steps

Thu May 01, 2014 7:44 am

HOLY SHEET nearly EVERYONE is above 200ms!!!!! :o
LOL. WTF? :? I never saw a du4 server with everyone with 400ms pings. :?
Although due to recent connection problems, I am unable to play on du4 servers.
I will try and post a screen shot of a full server, that I connect to.

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Re: How To Improve Your Server In Two Steps

Thu May 01, 2014 9:32 am

1. This must have been taken while we were under ddos attack, since I have never seen so many high pings yet. Ping kicker is 300 on all DU4 servers, but you have to reach and hold the limit for a few seconds to get kicked.

2. We are testing a mod that makes it impossible to teamattack (destroy own vehicles, shoot down own vehicles)
It is the N11 server if you want to see how it works.

Also if you want to try out completely new hitreg mechanics play on T1 (24/7 Arica). There you should be in advantage when your ping is low compared to others.

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Re: How To Improve Your Server In Two Steps

Thu May 01, 2014 10:38 am

Bruce Lee wrote:Hello again,
It seems my last post which conclusively proved the validity of my original post was mysteriously moved to a different section where normal players would be unlikely to notice it whereas the original post which was thread-locked was left in place, lol.

Are you trolling or just paranoid? Your post was indeed moved to the Administration Outpost as it was mostly intended to complain about staff and how you were "personally attacked". The tiny, game-related part was not enough to justify the post being in "Game Discussion".

Now, with the third try, how about you stay on-topic instead of pulling off the "conspiracy against you" thing again? I'd prefer not having to move this post again and instead actually having a place for server admins/players to comment on this.

Should you feel offended, disadvantaged or treated badly again, please do complain in the aforementioned post in the Administration Outpost (and only there).
Unrelated discussion in this thread is over, any further off-topic here will be removed immediately and without prior notice.

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Bruce Lee
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Re: How To Improve Your Server In Two Steps

Thu May 01, 2014 11:11 am

Hi Rob,
Welcome to our discussion bro. You didn't give us any input on our topic but I guess that is your prerogative.
Getting back to it, I wanted to say good show to weavii & the folks at DU4 for their efforts to improve things for the players.
The hitreg experiments sound especially intriguing. I didn't know that something like that would even be possible but that opens up a whole host of new possibilities. You have really piqued my interest in the mod-tools now, lol. Anyhow, good job dude.
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Re: How To Improve Your Server In Two Steps

Thu May 01, 2014 11:30 am

Okay, I'm trying not to say this, but... are you like a 60-year old literature teacher from GB or something? Please, stop talking in such formality, it's gotten to the point where it's annoying now. Your name doesn't even make it half-believable either.

And once again, if you really want this issue to be fixed, either make your own server with your own rules, or report this directly to the server owners since most of them don't visit these forums (such as RepZ, now that mouz and Sylar are part of du4). You'll have a better chance at reaching out to them than posting multiple posts with the same point here. Unofficial Server Owners on Rome don't visit these forums often either. The only time anyone visits the forums is to whine about their game not working or Servers being down, so take that into consideration

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Re: How To Improve Your Server In Two Steps

Thu May 01, 2014 12:11 pm

As mizudg said, is is possible that your post/threads won't be noticed unless it is not posted in the proper server thread. I must admit there are more active ppl than me. Also maybe you want to talk to mouz/Gandalf, he came up with the whole hitreg experiments.

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Re: How To Improve Your Server In Two Steps

Thu May 01, 2014 12:34 pm

About the votekick: From my experience, it rarely works out. In theory, it's all good and you should be able to kick out griefers, yet you're lucky if only two people even notice it in the chat.
But well, as there are not many risks it might be worth a try.

Tell me more about the hitreg experiments please :) ... What kind of a modification is it? Server core? I think Rodney will be interested too.

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Bruce Lee
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Re: How To Improve Your Server In Two Steps

Thu May 01, 2014 12:59 pm

Hi Mizu,
Nice to hear from you again, and welcome to our discussion. Anyway, I certainly see your point Rob about most players ignoring or being unaware of the console chat, lol. I also understand why server admins might be reluctant to give that power to players for fear that a coordinated group might use it for malicious purposes. If DU4 has come up with a way to prevent players from destroying their own team vehicles that would be a better solution anyway. I haven't been motivated enough to look into the mod-tools myself but this really opens up the possibility of correcting some things dice crippled in the game when they tailored it to the xbox crowd. So weavii, do you know if the hitreg experiment is stable or still in a testing phase?

P.S. The reason I use the names of my favorite people from the past Mizu, is in some small way to do them homage and keep their names alive. Bruce was a remarkable person whose life and contribution was snuffed out entirely too soon. From a practical standpoint its also much easier for me to remember those names and there has rarely been a conflict where the name couldn't be used because it was already taken by somebody else.
Last edited by Bruce Lee on Fri May 02, 2014 12:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
"The world is like a big circus and the crooked businessmen and their puppet politicians are the biggest clowns in the show." -Anon.

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Re: How To Improve Your Server In Two Steps

Thu May 01, 2014 4:57 pm

Hima just told me we have set 600 ms, since we didn't notice any difference when there are one or two players with 400+.

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