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Source SDK / Help Needed

Fri Mar 21, 2014 8:41 pm

It's not that I need help that much, rather, I need someone to refer to when I am stuck on something. I've been making a map for CSGO lately and working on some stuff ("levolution" and such events planned) and I am generally in need of help with env_ commands and Logic entities. Anyone who can help, do add me ;)

Here's a video of what I've been working on these past 2 days, just to test.

The idea is that there will be another entry point if you break the flag, making it for faster movement. For now, the supports can be broken with anything. In the future, it will require those $300 for a frag ;)

P.S. - This is inspired by my old school. A friend of mine and I wanted to make this ever since we used to play 1.6 in 4th-7th grade. Now, knowing more than enough, including understanding tutorials online, we are working on remaking it as close as possible to the original school. For more information, just hit me up on Steam if you want : MizuDG

Here's an Updated version. Features correct flag height, better angle control and fluent effects. Could use some re-working but this is as far as I'm willing to put into the flag for now :D
Last edited by mizudg on Mon Mar 24, 2014 4:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Source SDK / Help Needed

Fri Mar 21, 2014 9:08 pm

when i start work with source sdk for css i used tutorials from this channel 3kliksphilip https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmu9PV ... i-Sk2F2utA is a guru for source sdk
this is for csgo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKEpSaP ... dgCMC_lfk3
i dont know if csgo use same settings like css,, i stoped work on css servers and maps when b c 2 change my favorite game :)

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Re: Source SDK / Help Needed

Fri Mar 21, 2014 11:09 pm

It's custom-made by me. That's why it took so long to make. In the final release, it will bring the window with the bars down and allow another entry point. You can't have that for your server since I myself made the base with the Vertex tool from a cylinder. You can see the triggers I used here :


All the supports are split into three parts: Upper, Lower and Base. The Base part stays immobile (the square) since it doesn't need to move. The Lower part is what enables motion on the Upper to make it seem like the Shuttering is becoming more and more unstable. The Upper parts when MotionEnabled, take away health from the Shuttering. This can be any number but I chose 10000 as it won't break with a weapon in a long time. The Upper supports take away 5000 HP each, except the one which is exposed toward the player spawn. That ones take away Health only from the Side Shuttering. When it reaches 0, you guessed it, the Shuttering breaks from that side.

The Front Shuttering is split into 4 parts, 2 func_details and 2 func_breakables. The physbox of the front looks like the picture above. As you can see, it triggers a lot of stuff but it's mostly just for show as the Lower Supports turn into debris and it plays a breaking wood sound, which sounds better and stronger than the in-game one for better atmosphere.

Just the Side Shuttering has similar Outputs, except if you break that by accident, the flag will fall on that side.

Here's the flag itself. It has a Metal creek PlaySound to it to sound better and it breaks the Side Shuttering in half a second if it's not broken already to expose the damaged base (just as a visual effect, not as anything useful)

The last part is the breakable window which is made of Metal bars for now (as it is in the original) without the glass because I don't need the lighting to take into account overlapping blocks and calculate it in the rendering, making it slower. It's pretty simple, it's just a func_breakable again with these flags set so it's only destructible if something with great force falls on it (i.e. - the flag).

So if you want "Levolution" in your SDK level, this is how I did it. There's probably an easier way with Logic triggers and such but that's the reason I made this topic, to ask for help concerning that.

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Re: Source SDK / Help Needed

Fri Mar 21, 2014 11:29 pm

Arszilla wrote:Lol you wasted your time. I meant on BFBC2

Mother of giant quotes, did you have to include all that text?
Also wrong section for BFBC2 levolution, this is an SDK thread.

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Re: Source SDK / Help Needed

Sat Mar 22, 2014 9:29 am

Arszilla wrote:
mizudg wrote:It's custom-made by me. That's why it took so long to make. In the final release, it will bring the window with the bars down and allow another entry point. You can't have that for your server since I myself made the base with the Vertex tool from a cylinder. You can see the triggers I used here :


So if you want "Levolution" in your SDK level, this is how I did it. There's probably an easier way with Logic triggers and such but that's the reason I made this topic, to ask for help concerning that.

Lol you wasted your time. I meant on BFBC2

I doubt I wasted my time since as the thread suggests, this is for Source SDK. Those who wanted to do it in Source, now they have an idea of what I did. Or didn't you read the title/forum section? This isn't in Rome..

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Re: Source SDK / Help Needed

Mon Mar 24, 2014 4:38 pm

Added an updated version of the flag. I think I found my man for the questions and thanks to him, making the angle and height match with the new window location fit perfectly. Still, if anyone is willing to help OR learn a bit about it, drop a reply. I'm willing to do a quick screenshot tut on how I did the updated version.

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