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BC2 Is Still The Best But...

Fri Dec 04, 2015 6:05 am

I started a thread a month ago about how I think that BC2 is the best BF game in the series so far.
link: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=8080

While I was playing recently, I got to thinking that it might also be fun to let people list some of the gripes that they have with BC2 as well.
(Who knows, maybe somebody can even fix some of the problems with a server-side mod.)
So what is something you have noticed that bugs you in BC2?

My own gripe at the moment has to do with a balance problem that I noticed on the map HeavyMetal.
Basically, the cockpit view from the USA side of the map is dramatically better than the RUS side and it puts the RUS team at a big disadvantage.
USA vs RUS Cockpit View HeavyMetal.jpg
USA vs RUS Cockpit View HeavyMetal.jpg (256.06KiB)Viewed 23536 times

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Re: BC2 Is Still The Best But...

Fri Dec 11, 2015 5:26 pm

You do have a point, it's easier to spot enemies in the Apache. But it's not that big of a game changer though.

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Re: BC2 Is Still The Best But...

Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:57 pm

I think that the extremely poor visibility on the RU side actually cripples the RU team.
Its so bad that if both teams have equally skilled players then the US team will win almost every time.

Even the map itself is slanted against the RU team because the US base is protected by a huge hill while the RU base is out in the open.
US pilots can easily obliterate the RU base all the way from B and the only thing that can stop them is a server rule against baserape.
But even if the server does have a no-baserape rule, the US team will still have a huge advantage since they can easily spot every heli that takes off.

You see that same bias in favor of the US team on Atacama too.
The RU base is completely out in the open while the US base is protected by a bunch of buildings.

Of course I realize that there probably isn't too much that can be done about the map layout bias unless an actual working map editor gets created.
On the other hand, if the RU Mi-28 could be given the same cockpit view as the US Apache it seems like it would make the game a little more balanced.
I haven't checked to see if it would work yet but it seems like you might be able to just reassign the cockpit hud in the server files.

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Re: BC2 Is Still The Best But...

Sat Dec 12, 2015 9:51 pm

I know, the map tends to be dominated by the US team. I've learned that the hard way on PS3 :)
I guess you could remove the already existing helicopter for the RU team and place an Apache in its place, so that both teams will battle in AH-64s.

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Re: BC2 Is Still The Best But...

Sun Dec 13, 2015 2:35 am

I figured out how to give the Mi28 the same HUD as the Apache after poking around in the game files.
The Mi28 model doesn't have see-thru glass panels in the bottom so you still can't see the ground while you fly though.
The modded HUD may not be pretty but it definitely makes aiming just as quick and accurate as the Apache. :)
Mi28 with AH64 Cockpit HUD Mod.jpeg
Mi28 with AH64 Cockpit HUD Mod.jpeg (91.28KiB)Viewed 23442 times

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Re: BC2 Is Still The Best But...

Sun Dec 13, 2015 10:54 am

Thank god for Rome, cause else PB'd like to have a word with you.. :D

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Re: BC2 Is Still The Best But...

Sun Dec 13, 2015 1:55 pm

Nicely done, can servers run it? :)

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Re: BC2 Is Still The Best But...

Sun Dec 13, 2015 9:30 pm

Without going into detail, it is using the same technique as this weather mod: viewtopic.php?f=33&t=7291.

I mainly just wanted to test how the Mi28 handled with the same cockpit view as the AH64 and if it actually affected anything.
I definitely concluded that the RU team would have a much better chance of winning when they don't have to fight in a half blind cockpit.

If I don't get too lazy I may check to see if its possible to actually swap the whole first person model along with the HUD in the server files.
That way the Mi28 pilot would see exactly the same thing as the Apache pilot including being able to see the ground.

I have also expanded my list of gripes/annoyances to include a few more things that have always bugged me in the vanilla game:

Problem = Cockpit HUD of Mi28 gimps RU pilots.
Fix = Make Mi28 1st person model+HUD the same as the AH64.

Problem = Ability to instantly switch from pilot to gunner seat and back again without crashing is laughably unrealistic.
Fix = Add a long time delay to switch seats, cause an instant nosedive when pilot seat is empty, or make seat switching impossible during flight.

Problem = M1A2-Abrams machine gun HUD lags when viewing smoke.
Fix = Make M1A2 machine gun HUD the same as the T-90.

Problem = T-90 driver has a large percentage of his screen blacked out while the M1A2 driver can see the whole screen.
Fix = Make T-90 driver HUD the same as the M1A2.

Problem = Huge floating A,B,C markers obscure the view of pilots.
Fix = Shrink, move, or remove the markers.

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