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[opinion] Game feels too twitchy

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 3:32 pm
by h0mie
I'll keep this short and sweet:

Imho by taking away suppression (and maybe also as a side effect of the smoother experience through higher tick-/ simulationrate) the game feels even more fast paced or twitchy than it already did. I think in the current state playing very aggressive or constantly rushing is way too rewarding, the lack of suppression even further promotes the "cod- esque" playstyle.

I know "It's up to the server administrator to decide", but if I learned anything from quite some time in BF4 and BF3, then the overwhelming majority of populated servers will either use the exact server preset values or go crazy overboard with 4 alternating scrambler / autobalance addons, a knife yell- and a join announcer...

Realistically seen, any BF3 mod released in the near future will have a very small playerbase anyway, so most probably we will not have the luxury of setting up highly customized server setups and actually finding people to play those without extensive preparation and planning.

So in order to provide a consistent gameplay experience and not further separate the small amount of players, I'd highly recommend applying tweaks of some sort to slow the gameplay down and actually make it feel like battlefield and less like quake on large maps.

Re: [opinion] Game feels too twitchy

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 4:05 pm
by Basty
As a casual player, I totally agree with the most part. However, I think the game slowdown tools / settings should be left in the server's administrators care. This way they have complete freedom to decide whether they want to target the more competitive / CoD-esque branch of the current BF3 playerbase or something else.

I, for one, know that me and my 30-something gamer friends will try to start as slow as possible and go from there towards an acceptable threshold.

Re: [opinion] Game feels too twitchy

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 3:31 pm
by AnastasiyaAngel

You're right in general - The behavior of the movement is changing with the tickrate. On 30 Hz it's should come close to vanilla, 60 seems to be perfect and 120 is a bit too much. So my suggestion is to remove (if possible) the link(?) between movement and tickrate. Vanilla should feel a bit different anyways because the servers are running at 10 Hz and the client is using 30 Hz consistent. I think when this is matched (30/30 for example) It will feel more direct anyway since the 'serverside bottleneck' is removed. Belive me, I already watched the serverside movement.. If you could see this every death behind cover would become logical to you ;D