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Private / Rented servers

Sat Jan 02, 2016 2:36 am


IMO private / rented servers encourage cheating, hacking and most of all, favoritism. All the while absolving the publisher(s) of any and all responsibility for the content presented online. It's one of the reasons DICE / EA opt'd for a third party anti-cheat solution rather then taking responsibly to manage BF3 on their own. Not to mention doing so is far simpler / cheaper then having EA's in-house staff work the problem full time. Now had EA taken direct responsibility, it's likely that the EA would of solved most of the problems with hacking, rather then just allowing the status-que to remain as we see it today.

Beyond all that, by having rented servers EA can reap the profits while having local admins (hopefully) police the servers. Problem with solution is that from one server to the next, the quality of the admin'ing can vary greatly. Everything from admins that ban for language (never did understand that one considering the voice overs that are built into the f'n game), to admin's that are non-existent. All things being equal, it's very a rare thing indeed to see an admin who is actively online enforcing the rules while remaining unbiased. Now as I understand it, server admin's run pretty much unchecked and can do what ever they feel like with a server. (Yet to ever see a server admin removed) This really makes me wonder, who's policing the admins if not EA / DICE ?

Therefore it is my belief that relying on said admin's to represent VU's / Communities "best interests" is at most wishful thinking. You know their's an old saying: "Wish in one hand, shit in the other. See which one gets filled first."



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Re: Private / Rented servers

Sat Jan 02, 2016 3:19 am

And that whole post makes ... yes... no sense at all

Resin_Smoker wrote:MO private / rented servers encourage cheating, hacking and most of all, favoritism.

Why would it encourage cheating? Even hosted servers by EA (which doesn't even exit in BF3 - well maybe a few - who plays on them anyway?). Every single server in BF3 is somewhat hosted by a player and not directly by EA - compared to ATVI and latest Call of Duty games. And do you even know the most important thing in self hosting servers? Yes it's favoritism - having your own fav. maps, gamemodes, slots and so on.

Resin_Smoker wrote:It's one of the reasons DICE / EA opt'd for a third party anti-cheat solution rather then taking responsibly to manage BF3 on their own.

Which is shit imo

Resin_Smoker wrote:Now as I understand it, server admin's run pretty much unchecked and can do what ever they feel like with a server.

Because it's their servers? Why would you pay X bucks per months and can't control shit? Or do you like to enjoy your paid flat without having the ability to put your fav. things in it? I guess not.

Resin_Smoker wrote:This really makes me wonder, who's policing the admins if not EA / DICE ?

The admins themself?

Resin_Smoker wrote:Therefore it is my belief that relying on said admin's to represent VU's / Communities "best interests" is at most wishful thinking

The best interests are listed here: http://veniceunleashed.net/about

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Re: Private / Rented servers

Sat Jan 02, 2016 5:55 am

Thanks Magic, great response.

OP is obviously of a fascist type mindset. The exact opposite of what VU represents. He will never understand it.


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Re: Private / Rented servers

Sat Jan 02, 2016 8:05 am

TacTicToe wrote:Thanks Magic, great response.

OP is obviously of a fascist type mindset. The exact opposite of what VU represents. He will never understand it.

Oh I understand the "mindset" well enough as I've been a Lua programmer and modder for about ten years now. Hell, I love the idea of UV but what I don't care for is the lack of control within the community should a server be abused. In the end this will divide and undermine the community. I say this because I've seen it happen before and only fear it will happen again.

Last edited by Resin_Smoker on Sat Jan 02, 2016 9:21 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Private / Rented servers

Sat Jan 02, 2016 8:14 am

Resin_Smoker wrote:Hell, I love the idea of UV but what I don't care for is the lack of control within the community should a server be abused.

The community has control. If there is a server with abusive admins they can choose not to play on it. It's that simple.

(And servers breaking rules can be removed by the Administration anyway)
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Re: Private / Rented servers

Sat Jan 02, 2016 8:26 am

Rodney wrote:
Resin_Smoker wrote:Hell, I love the idea of UV but what I don't care for is the lack of control within the community should a server be abused.

The community has control. If there is a server with abusive admins they can choose not to play on it. It's that simple.

(And servers breaking rules can be removed by the Administration anyway)

Well looking at the number of active servers available (currently) that concept completely falls on its face. Granted VU is still in BETA but what's to guarantee that this will change after the full release?

BTW: I'm highlighting issues in a constructive manor but the tone of responses thus far have been border-line flames. If the community can't handle a decenting voice, then it's not much of a community... But rather a "click" of privileged individuals.
Last edited by Resin_Smoker on Sat Jan 02, 2016 9:08 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Private / Rented servers

Sat Jan 02, 2016 8:39 am

Resin_Smoker wrote:Well looking at the number of active servers available (currently) that concept completely falls on its face. Granted VU is still in BETA but what's to guarantee that this will change after the full release?

BTW: I'm highlighting issues in a constructively but the tone of response thus far have been border-line flames. If the community can't handle a decenting voice, then it's not much of a community... But rather a "click" of privileged individuals.

Of course there will be changes once server hosting goes completely open.

And it's not that we can't handle dessenting opionions. You just made some pretty stupid posts.
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Re: Private / Rented servers

Sat Jan 02, 2016 9:16 am

Rodney wrote:
Resin_Smoker wrote:Well looking at the number of active servers available (currently) that concept completely falls on its face. Granted VU is still in BETA but what's to guarantee that this will change after the full release?

BTW: I'm highlighting issues in a constructively but the tone of response thus far have been border-line flames. If the community can't handle a decenting voice, then it's not much of a community... But rather a "click" of privileged individuals.

Of course there will be changes once server hosting goes completely open.

And it's not that we can't handle dessenting opionions. You just made some pretty stupid posts.


In a nutshell what I've stated (thus far) is that while UV may aspire to be a "free" play environment, there is nothing to suggest that it will be a "fair" one. On the contrary in fact, the attitude(s) displayed (in this thread) would suggest UV is likely to be anything but. Hence the most that players (that are not in "your" little circle of friends) can count on is to become fodder for your adolescence.

Should UV hope to succeed where EA / DICE has failed, then just releasing a few new bells and whistles isn't going to be enough. What most players desire more than anything else is a competitive play environment that is free of both hacking and bias. Otherwise, whats the f'n point?



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Re: Private / Rented servers

Sat Jan 02, 2016 11:27 am

Let's get some stuff cleared up, newer Frostbite games don't even use punkbuster. It is ran by 1 guy, and bypassing it is very trivial. They opted for GameBlock's fairfight which, first and foremost is NOT under EA rule. There are a staff of FairFight mp's and a few EA mp's that manually ban everyone.

Private/Rented servers don't encourage cheating, its public servers. Very rarely does someone want to ruin a private passworded server (where they will get banned almost instantly), they want to cause rage in the public community.

We are ware of the issue with cheaters, they will be delt with accordingly, in time. We are very busy fixing other more important issues. Cheaters will be addressed, just not now.
kiwidog > NoFaTe.

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Re: Private / Rented servers

Sat Jan 02, 2016 11:31 am

kiwidog wrote:Let's get some stuff cleared up, newer Frostbite games don't even use punkbuster. It is ran by 1 guy, and bypassing it is very trivial. They opted for GameBlock's fairfight which, first and foremost is NOT under EA rule. There are a staff of FairFight mp's and a few EA mp's that manually ban everyone.

Private/Rented servers don't encourage cheating, its public servers. Very rarely does someone want to ruin a private passworded server (where they will get banned almost instantly), they want to cause rage in the public community.

We are ware of the issue with cheaters, they will be delt with accordingly, in time. We are very busy fixing other more important issues. Cheaters will be addressed, just not now.

Rodger that... Thank you for the prompt and flame-less reply.

If there is anything I can do to help, please feel free to PM me.



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