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BC2: Classes Tips n' tricks

Sat Jan 19, 2013 9:04 pm


  • Learn to aim. Yea, yea, I know. This seems obvious. But as an Assault it is of absolute importance. Medics can spray-and-pray and Engineers can try to cheese it up with the RPGs, but you really need to learn how to aim unless you intend to run around with the grenade launcher all day long (which will get you some kills, but will get you killed a lot as well). I recommend you increase the sensitivity of your controller to help with this.
  • Don't be afraid to use weapons besides the assault rifle. Pistols and shotguns are good weapons to use if you plan to be on defense. They are generally easier to use well in close quarters combat than a rifle.
  • Be aggressive. The biggest mistake which new players make when playing the Assault class is being timid. The Assault class does not reward that behavior. If you try to hide in buildings you will probably get owned by Engineers and Medics. If you try to snipe enemies from far away you'll get owned by Recons with real sniper rifles. This isn't to say you should just hang out in the middle of the map - you need to stay mobile and pay some mind to cover. But ultimately you have to advance on enemy infantry and kill them to gain any points.
  • Use your grenades and your grenade launcher. As a new player your grenade launcher is great because you can gain kills while you're still working on your accuracy. There is a reason the grenade launcher is sometimes called the "noob tube."


  • You do your best work around be hunks of steel which are invulnerable to most weapons in the game. Use that to your advantage. If you are trying to repair or guard a tank, don't just sit there waiting for a sniper to shoot you.
  • It is usually wise to take some specializations in vehicles, such as sensors or armor, for when you will be using the vehicles yourself. -When choosing between sub-machineguns and shotguns, choose carefully and consider the map you are playing
  • If you are using an SMG, use the lack of muzzle flash to your advantage. Engineers can easily hide in the corner of a dark room while playing defense and pick off hostiles as they march through the doors without the enemy knowing what is going on.
  • If you are using anti-tank mines, remember to deploy some every time you spawn! There doesn't seem to be a little on how many you can deploy. If you die, the mines you already put down are still working.
  • If you are using the RPG, be mindful of the reload time. If you're not in cover, get into some before you fire. Otherwise you'll be dead quickly.


  • Learn to control your machinegun. When fired in bursts the machinegun can hit targets across the map with an incredible amount of accuracy. Just tap the trigger lightly to fire off these short, accurate bursts. However, the macheingun can also be turned into an inaccurate hail of death if the trigger is laid down. This is best at short to mid range.
  • The defibrillator is a great tool for helping teammates, but it isn't necessary to use it on every single teammate who dies. If your teammate died because he ran out in the open and was mowed down instantly by three enemies, don't go wading out to try and save him. You'll just get yourself killed, and even if you somehow manage to survive it is very likely the enemy will simply kill your teammate a second time. As an Assault I've been in situations where a Medic has revived me three times in a row and I died instantly because an enemy sniper was just sitting in cover and picking me off. This did nothing except ruin my kill-death ratio.
  • Use medikits! There is no reason not to. Many medkits forget to use medkits because they are too busy trying to find enemies to shoot. Medkits will outlive you, and there is no known cap on how many you can deploy. So deploy them at positions where your teammates are likely to stand and rack in the points as they heal themselves.


  • Hide. The ghillie suit which all Recons have is pretty damn effective at making a Recon play look like a bush. Most players will have a hard time noticing you.
  • Don't move more than you have to. As said, the ghillie suit is really good at keeping you hidden, but the human eye is instantly attracted to movement. If you have found a place to hide, resist the urge to move around or even look around. Keep still and you're less likely to be noticed.
  • At the same time, don't become too comfortable in one spot. If you have racked up a few kills from a sniper perch it may be time to move on. Opponents will seek you out or will simply begin avoiding areas which are in your lane of fire.
  • Spot enemies constantly. Spotting is a huge benefit to your team because it gives teammates on the front lines a chance to jump on enemies before they even know your teammates are in the area.
  • Use mortar strikes and C4 liberally. They are powerful attacks which can change the game, particularly on Rush maps.

Sorry if it's to long. New ides will be gladly accepted. Source: AlteredGamer

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Re: BC2: Classes Tips n' tricks

Sun Jan 20, 2013 1:19 am

really nice mate i hope every one read this and please don't do base reaping :/ not cool at all

about the recon

i'm not going to add something better then what you have stated but i well talk from the way i play
first the recon is chosen when there is ather snipers from the ather team and always drop the motions senser and try to concentrate on the sound next to you cause when some one move next to you you well hear his movement's so you can avoid a knife kill most of the time,hide in shadows of a tree that well diffidently make you a hard target but once you make a shot they can spot you and make sure that shot is a sure kill else you'r cover is blow if there is many targets spot them and shoot when the one ho is attacking one of you'r team,in ruch mode mortar strike is really good choice you can destroy a Mcom by destroying the building and if the team is not doing a good job well don't use recon cause all what you well do is for you'r KD nothing more so change kit and enter the battle ,if many of you'r team mates dead and you have a kit medic next to you revive him and back to you'r kit ,train you'r self on close range with sniper rifle (quick scope ) that well save you
:D i righted to much did i ^^


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Re: BC2: Classes Tips n' tricks

Thu Jan 24, 2013 10:59 am

Thanks for sharing helped me a bit :P

Joined:Thu Jan 24, 2013 3:43 pm

Re: BC2: Classes Tips n' tricks

Thu Jan 24, 2013 3:56 pm


Ok, the Recon-Class got a Sniper but camping in the back is not the way the class should be played.
The Recon-Class has powerfull Items to help friends at the front (Mortar, reconballs (the way i call them))
And you can equip your gun with red dot or ACOG to be more affective on short range.
Just watch the "Aggressive Recon"-Tutorials by Sgt. Enigma. Ok, he is a pro but i tried his style and its working perfectly. Often get 4 or 5 kills in a round (noscope, quickscope or hardscope) and sometimes even more. And these reconballs are really helpfull to secure M-Coms or defend them.
All you need for the "aggressive Recon" is good aiming :D

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Re: BC2: Classes Tips n' tricks

Thu Jan 24, 2013 9:11 pm

All you need is quick scoping :) i learned to snipe in BFP4F and i need to say i needed to play a lot to start sniping seriously xDD

Comment to last post
In BFBC2 Sniper needs claymores but thats only my opinion or throwing knifes could be usefull at close range i wonder why they did not add it to game....

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Re: BC2: Classes Tips n' tricks

Thu Jan 24, 2013 9:18 pm

kafarowski wrote:In BFBC2 Sniper needs claymores but thats only my opinion or throwing knifes could be usefull at close range i wonder why they did not add it to game....

Claymores are nooby, and throwing knifes not realistic. Battlefield isn't the fast game, throwing knifes don't fit into the game.

Just my opinion :)

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Re: BC2: Classes Tips n' tricks

Thu Jan 24, 2013 9:34 pm

I played a lot games like BFP4F MW series so maybe thats why i hope to see them in Bad Company xD Thats annoying when u try to be a good camper and someone just slashed your throat xDD

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Re: BC2: Classes Tips n' tricks

Thu Jan 24, 2013 11:09 pm

kafarowski wrote:I played a lot games like BFP4F MW series so maybe thats why i hope to see them in Bed Companion xD Thats annoying when u try to be a good camper and someone just slashed your throat xDD

i played MWF2 but it's not the same here, and buy the way snipers are for long range kills and spot enemy's for his team so he can camp that's way he have that camo ^^


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