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Request on improving server searches

Mon Jan 20, 2014 6:07 am

Nowadays I find a big problem that there are almost no one playing in Vietnam servers..
And I asked other players why?

The reason they give me is very simple: Though Vietnam is interesting, but Vanilla maps are also very interesting too. And they don't want to switch to the Vietnam mode to search vietnam servers and wait other players to come in the server for a long time unless they are enthusiastic Vietnam players..

It's not good for the DLC vietnam because so few players are willing to play it just because they need to press one more button.

So here comes my little request: What about improving the server searches, after that we can search BOTH Vietnam and vanilla servers without pressing the Vietnam button in game. I know it will take NoFaTe a lot of time, but I think after that there will be much more players playing in Vietnam servers so it is worth to do so.(There is a time that Emu players can search both VN and vanilla servers, and at that time Vietnam servers are as popular as Vanilla servers) :)

At last I hosted 1 new vanilla map server using BauBauBau's new map, and 2 new vietnam map server using BauBauBau's new maps too! These servers are called [Baidu]5# [Baidu]N# Rush and [Baidu]N# conquest. Check out the link:http://forums.emulatornexus.com/viewtopic.php?f=33&t=5630 if you still don't know how to play in those servers.
Good Luck! :D

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Joined:Tue Feb 19, 2013 3:14 am

Re: Request on improving server searches

Mon Jan 20, 2014 6:56 am

It was year ago, both vanilla and Vietnam server showing in server browser, but in some Rome server update NF fix this.

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Joined:Tue Feb 19, 2013 4:30 am

Re: Request on improving server searches

Mon Jan 20, 2014 7:49 am

I seconded this, since separating server browsers is making only few players searching for Vietnam servers, and if I think it would be nice to bring it back.

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