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Cheaters rising.

Sun Jun 23, 2013 10:09 am

Since from 2 days on. i observed that cheaters began to uprising in BC2 servers. Theres something can be done in this matter?
I dont like to get killed from 1000 feet with 1 shoot , or havin a teammate kill all enemy team in seconds for distance.Wheres the fun? I sugest some scaning bot or something similar like clasic anticheat- Scan for each player who log in for BC2.exe if its modified . or a patern...or something or simply. more admins online in each server.and BANIP.

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Re: Cheaters rising.

Sun Jun 23, 2013 12:29 pm

An ACI is planned. Until it is developed, we do not accept cheater reports or similiar things.
We cannot control/influence the number of admins per server, that's up to the hosters.

Also, I haven't ever seen a single cheater... If you really see one, just leave the server. Cheaters won't have fun on empty servers ;)

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