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Self-shadowing (Graphic Feature)

Thu Jan 14, 2016 12:00 pm

Hi everyone, I would like to drop a nice suggestion here that will most likely make BF3 a much more immersive game, while increasing the graphics at the same time.

I am talking about a self-shadowing system where you would able to see the view model's shadows on itself, much like Counter-Strike Global Offensive has it, including other games like Crysis:


As you can see on the image above, the handheld weapon is casting a shadow on the arms as well as on itself, making the entire first person view much more realistic. Not a lot of games have this, and only recently this has become a popular graphical trend. The only DICE game that has this is SW Battlefront and I believe that it fits really well with the rest of the graphics and Frostbite engine and it makes it so that your first person view feels like it is part of the dynamic environment, and not another graphic layer without some features.

There is another part to this which makes it even more interesting, and that is the ability to see your own shadow being displayed on your surroundings, as well as on your first person view. A lot of you might have Crysis in your minds as I am talking about this, since that game was most likely the first to implement this.



This really makes a big difference, and also to have the body of the soldier casting its shadow on the view model adds even more immersion to the game.

The best part of this is that I really don't think that adding these features will result in any performance difference, as the amount of shadows being casted is much less than in the surrounding terrain and its objects. An example that this won't really affect performance can be seen in games like CSGO where the self-shadows on the viewmodel don't cause any more lag.

Now, to conclude this suggestion, I wouldn't know if this is even possible by any stretch. I have tried this in Battlefield 2 and as a modder with many years of experience with the old Refractor 2 engine, I couldn't get this working. It might, however, be possible in the Frostbite engine since almost everything in the game already has shadows; even smoke and other particle effects, so I can't see how this would be impossible.

I am by all means not saying that you should implement this, but at least consider it and/or check if it is even possible. It would be awesome to have this self-shadow system a graphic option in the video settings where anyone can either disable or enable it.

Thank you.

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