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[DUMB] Unable to Login

Wed Nov 06, 2013 8:48 pm

Hello there fellow Bettlefold Bed Cempeny 2 Players. I have recently went to nosteam.ro and download the game and for the new update patch they added the Nexus Emulator to play online. Below are two images of what happens when I attempt to go online from the play_MP_Nexus.exe. I registered here and login with the register I had here...Also, I have the .dll that is supposed to be in the directory of the game. Also, I am running the game off of Ubuntu using 'Wine', a program that runs Windows programs on Linux. I would love to go online so some help would be nice. :(

When I go to login...
login1.png (324.04KiB)Viewed 3619 times

This is what it gives me...
loginfail.png (347.42KiB)Viewed 3624 times

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Joined:Mon Dec 17, 2012 8:50 pm

Re: Unable to Login. Please try again!!!! HEALLPPP!!!!

Wed Nov 06, 2013 9:16 pm

I don't know if this is some utterly retarded joke or if you really expect a serious response.
We do not support piracy.

Warned for not being capable of using a search function, not using your common sense, all caps title and requesting support on a non-legit version of the game.

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