Fellow players,
For the past few days I have been working on re-implementing (re-coding) the Project Rome servers in a more advanced and performant manner than previously.
The reason behind that is that the lack of proper debugging tools for the current servers (which are written in node.js) make it impossible to pinpoint and fix some bugs that have been affecting the stability and performance of our services.
In order to be able to provide the best possible service to all of our players, I decided that re-implementing the servers would be the best choice at this point.
Now, with that being said, the new servers haven't been tested under load.
This means that for the first couple of days there might be some stability and/or performance problems, but I'll be working on fixing immediately anything that might popup.
Finally, because of this transition, the player database will have to be migrated.
During this migration process, all players will be filtered and 'cleaned'.
That means that if you have a player (soldier) with invalid characters in his name (eg. Cyrillic letters), your player will be most likely renamed.
In the case that duplicate player names exist post-migration, an incremental number will be added on them (for instance if there are two NoFaTe players, the second will be renamed to NoFaTe (1)).
I will be providing a tool soon to allow users to rename their players.
I should note that because of this transition some downtime is to be expected.
Hopefully it won't take long, but there are some issues that might arise.
Feedback is always appreciated!
Thank you for your patience and support.