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Wed Jan 06, 2016 3:40 pm

Played quite a few rounds, spent 10-20 hours playing and enjoyed pretty much all of it, loving it so far. But that doesn't mean it's perfect.

High tickrate + high ping on servers generally means you die behind cover a lot or it feels like you're being 1shot killed. Although there isn't much that can be done about this (if anything), it can be irritating. Would be nice to see the "Ping" part of server list actually showing pings. Not sure if it's just me or global, but it just shows "-" instead of the actual ping.

High tickrate + no suppression servers are a little too fast paced. The suppression system slows the pace of the game down just enough for it to not feel like CoD. It would be nice to see if it is possible to still get the accuracy penalty without the hardcore blur. Not saying remove the blur completely as it is a visual indication you're suppressed, but tone it down a little from the standard "I just got poked in both eyes" blur

Oh, and 1 last thing. High tickrate servers + high RPM weapons = instakill

That's the negetives out the way, now for a few of my favourite parts:

THE INGAME SERVER BROWSER, OH MY DEAR LORD IT'S BEAUTIFUL. Why EA/DICE couldn't do this for PC and force us to use Battlelog is beyond me. I LOVE not having to close and reopen the game every 10 seconds when I want to change server.

The high tickrate servers are amazing, I love the feel of them. Some people say it's not very noticeable but if you've played 1500 hours on 30hz then switch to 60/120, you'll feel the difference almost instantly.

The modding (though not implimented yet, other than suppression/filter disable and exp multiplier) I feel will be amazing if done right. I'd love to see an "infected" mode in Battlefield (like the custom gamemode plugin made for BF4 that never really got popular). This could really open up near limitless possibilities for new gamemodes. I could even see BF3 becoming the new Gmod (yes I did just say that, though HIGHLY unlikely it'll happen).

Overall, the mod is coming along exceptionally well and I can't wait for the future (2-3 years time) when full mod support is out, the bugs are all fixed and VU is no longer a beta. Keep up the good work! ^_^

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Re: Feedback

Sun Jan 10, 2016 2:28 pm

The ping indicators should have been fixed in one of the open testing updates that got pushed. The blur can be tweaked with modding tools once they are released. Custom game modes are being worked on. And thank you :mrgreen:
kiwidog > NoFaTe.

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