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New Gamemode! 'Special Forces Rush'

Mon Jan 04, 2016 2:53 pm


Playing the Close Quarters maps on VU in 16 man TDM really got me thinking about a variation of Rush specifically designed for those maps.

Two teams of either 8 or 4 (16 man or 8 man games) play, and there are 2 or 3 MCOMs on each map, with each team being a Special Forces (SAS, Mossad, Spetsnatz, Delta Force, GSG-9 etc.)

Due to the smallish size of all the maps (especially Ziba Tower) some expansion may be needed, and the fact that this really limits how many MCOMs can actually be in place, a permanent 2 or 3 to be destroyed seems like a good number and making this a round based game would also really help I feel, but obviously round based means no respawn so this could lean towards teams of 8 rather than smaller 4 but 2 versions is obviously a possibility.

I really feel like these maps could use a gamemode like this to help flesh them out further and add a more tactical gamemode to VU.

Obviously this is just an idea at the moment, so any ideas or feedback would be greatly appreciated :)


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Re: New Gamemode! 'Special Forces Rush'

Mon Jan 04, 2016 3:38 pm

I see you've never played Squad Rush in your life :lol:

Joined:Wed Dec 30, 2015 7:14 pm

Re: New Gamemode! 'Special Forces Rush'

Mon Jan 04, 2016 8:33 pm

lool, I have too much,especially on BF3 (not so much BF4) but this is like Squad Rush with set classes, and round based gameplay.

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