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More details about modding?

Fri Feb 20, 2015 7:14 pm

Hello guys,
is there a wiki or something with details about how to make mods for VeniceEXT?
I dont have a beta key but if I had more information about how the interface will
look like, which features it will have etc. I could start developing while waiting for
the open beta.
In his Modding Part 1 article NoFaTe said a server will only be able to run one plugin
at a time so I thought about programing something like metamod, but I need more
information about the VeniceEXT interface to make a concept.

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Re: More details about modding?

Fri Feb 20, 2015 9:32 pm

I believe it is not possible to provide concrete information about it since it is in development and should be things that have not yet been defined.
I recommend that monitors the blogs of developers to know the tools and what is to come.

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