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Joined:Sat Oct 26, 2013 10:13 am
I can't host my server because of "timed out"...

Thu Aug 27, 2015 5:53 pm

my server actually works, but i get this in the bc2cc (2.3.1)

This is the crash report:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><report><version>2</version><sessionid>7e6115e955deeefa</sessionid><type>crash</type><sku>ea.dice.RomePC.Sv</sku><createtime>2015-08-27 11:05:36</createtime><buildsignature>851434</buildsignature><systemconfig></systemconfig><categoryid> 0x9FFC72</categoryid><stack> 0x9FFC72 0x1186AF8 0x1780690 0x178068C 0x178069C 0x1780688 0x1780684 0x178067C 0x1780678 0x17802D8 0x17802D8 0x16E1B3C 0x419D91 0x4361E1 0x1712670 0x1953EC0 0xA08F29 0x1733A78 0x650065 0x1733A78 0x1953AA8 0x19535B8 0x16F2EA0 0x16E8BCC 0x754F7972 0x66754274 0x726566 0x419D91 0x1953AA8 0x1954BE1 0x1958BE1 0x1954BFF 0x1780100 0x177C6C8 0x178065C 0x18DAF48 0x1954BE1 0x16E2A00 0x1953500 0x1953EC0 0x4EFD03 0x42EEC7 0x42EED3 0x76726553 0x431EEE 0x1953EC0 0x419D91 0x19535E8 0x19535E8 0x4319AD</stack><threads></threads><screenshot></screenshot><memdump></memdump><contextdata>registers: Edi 1c03d5d4, Esi 00000000, Ebx 00000000, Edx 01954be1, Ecx 00186b6c, Eax 00000000 Ebp 1bd46fb3, Eip 009ffc72, Esp 001869e4</contextdata></report>

Please help me if you can! :cry:

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