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Re: Anyone with a little self respect should ragequit

Thu Sep 11, 2014 5:12 pm

FalahiHadi wrote:
CaptainESS wrote:I used to think ragequitting is honorless and cowardly but now i ragequit if i join a hopeless game, if there are baserapers, if there are heli/jetwhores, if there are grenade spammers, if there are luckers, if i die a few times. It is the best thing a person can do against random bullshit deaths and being unlucky. Just repeat this until you find a decent server with nice people and balanced teams. I don't care about being a coward now and trust me things are just better. Those motherf*ckers doesn't deserve an honorful enemy like me.

Well... for me i don't care about the honor things because game is about how much you enjoy playing it :D

dat mad scientist tho :mrgreen:

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