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[Warning] Last Chance

Tue Feb 05, 2013 1:41 pm

Good day everyone,

I am going to be very straight forward here, so please do not mind my attitude. In the recent months, the level of unnecessary posts has increased by over 50%. Now this is simply happening due to the lack of reading a simple FAQ. For those that cannot find, it can be found, right here: Image
2 topics below this.

Now here is what is happening. Venice Unleashed is being actively developed. If you are wondering what is taking so long, Grand Theft Auto: V was developed in 5 years, with a large team. There are currently only two people working on VU, NoFaTe and kiwidog, and they have their own lives from which they take time out of to develop this wonderful mod only for you to enjoy. So I believe it is only right for you to respect them by not posting useless topics on things that we have already stated.

Here are a few statements that have been stated numerous times before:

1) Venice Unleashed is NOT a crack. It uses a custom backend and will only allow legitimate clients to play.
2) There is no ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival), which means that it will be released when NoFaTe and kiwidog feel it is ready.
3) It is closed source, which means you can NOT have the source. Unless you go here blaze/
4) It is planned to have a Mod API, utilizing .NET (similar to RomeExt) which will allow you to develop in VB.NET/C#/C++ (Managed with CLR - Common Language Runtime).
5) Anything I've missed can be found HERE at the FAQ.

Last edited by Imposter on Sat Dec 28, 2013 7:42 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Reason: It's your "Last Chance"

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