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Venice hosting questions

Fri Oct 03, 2014 9:14 pm

In anticipation and wishful thinking of, should I install Origin on my box? I understand that Venice works as a server with your own client. It would just be faster to download from Origin than to upload from my PC. I am assuming then it is just a matter of integrating Venice?

If my game is installed on the box, will it running there conflict in any way my ability to run my client and play on the server? I prefer not to have to buy the game just to run a server. I can just see maybe a potential GUID conflict?

I have 5 IP's assigned to my box. Will we be able to bind an IP to each server? I would like to run more than one and bind each server to its own IP. I never got a solid answer about this for BC2, so I am hoping we can do it here.

Can we run multiple servers from a single install? For example, my COD4 servers, I can run multiple servers from a single install using "+set fs_homepath Server1" etc for each server on the command line. Server2, Server3 etc. Can we do this with Venice?

Realistically, from your experience with the server so far, how many servers can I run simultaneously on our box at one time? I have several servers installed for other games, I am currently using about 8 gigs RAM and about 3-5% CPU. I will probably install servers on my SSD drive, unless you recommend otherwise. Primarily I use the SSD to run my MySQL databases for the B3 bots.

Server specs.

Intel Xeon E3-1271v3 processor (4 physical 3.6ghz cores on QPI + hyperthreading + turbo->4.0ghz) (8 cores total)
32 GB DDR3-1600 ECC memory
240 GB SSD drive
2000 GB 7200 RPM SATA hard drive
18000 GB of InterNAP bandwidth (20000 Mbps capacity)
Able to host around 300-350 connected players at once
5 IP's

Thanks for what you are doing here NoFate. It is immensely appreciated.


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Re: Venice hosting questions

Fri Oct 03, 2014 9:37 pm

Currently there is no clear data about how much a bf3 server will actually need. IIRC NoFaTe said that during the closed beta the servers will be tested and more information on how much resources they really need will be published later on.

However, even then you have to try about how many servers you can run, BF3 servers with 64 players will take much more power than BFBC2 servers.

To you other questions, assuming VU Servers behave like BF3 servers:
  1. It's the fastest way to download BF3, also you require a license file (wich is created by origami afaik) to launch the server or client
  2. No
  3. Yes
  4. Yes
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Re: Venice hosting questions

Sat Oct 04, 2014 3:37 am

Like Rodney said, using Origin to download the files is currently the fastest way of getting them on your box.
The other thing you could do is to copy over the files and the required registry keys (otherwise our client will not be able to detect your installation).

Now, something that I should note is that vanilla BF3 clients cannot be activated on headless or virtualized machines without our client, so if you're getting an error while installing the game don't worry about it too much, and just blame EA.

As for your licenses, they can't conflict with one another because we don't strictly tie license data with our player accounts.

Binding multiple servers to different interfaces on the same box will be possible, but probably not from launch.
By default, the server will listen on all interfaces.

Finally, you are able to run multiple server instances from the same box, given that you explicitly specify different ports and instance paths for each.

There are still some VU-specific features that don't work with multiple instances at once, but we will be working on fixing those.
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Re: Venice hosting questions

Sat Oct 04, 2014 8:59 am

NoFaTe wrote:Now, something that I should note is that vanilla BF3 clients cannot be activated on headless or virtualized machines without our client, so if you're getting an error while installing the game don't worry about it too much, and just blame EA.

Sweet! Lovin it!!

Now I own the whole box. It is not a VDS, it is my own dedicated box. So it should not be an issue, right?


Since youre a self proclaimed guru, and I never did get an answer before, is there a way to bind a specific IP from a command line for BC2? I dont need the -clientport option. I would like to bind to an IP if possible. There has to be a way. How do RSP's do it for their customers?

Thanks guys.


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Re: Venice hosting questions

Sat Oct 04, 2014 10:20 am

TacTicToe wrote:is there a way to bind a specific IP from a command line for BC2? I dont need the -clientport option. I would like to bind to an IP if possible.

Just put those two lines in your ServerOptions.ini

Code: Select all

RemoteAdminPort = IP:Port
Port = IP:Port

Should work

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Re: Venice hosting questions

Sat Oct 04, 2014 1:51 pm

You can start the server with "-port IP:Port".

It won't show in the windows title but checking which port the server is listening on should reveal that it's bound to the one you want.
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Re: Venice hosting questions

Sat Oct 04, 2014 8:05 pm

OMG it worked!!! Thank you guys! :D


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Re: Venice hosting questions

Sun Oct 05, 2014 11:30 pm

How/when is the rollout going to work? Are you going to send out the invite keys in advance of or the day of release?

Do we need to run Outcome to log into the servers? Or will you release a different version of Outcome for Venice?


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Re: Venice hosting questions

Mon Oct 06, 2014 9:56 am

Outcome is for bypassing Origin. VU doesn't need Origin other than the game to be installed through it.

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Re: Venice hosting questions

Mon Oct 06, 2014 3:50 pm

TacTicToe wrote:How/when is the rollout going to work? Are you going to send out the invite keys in advance of or the day of release?

The keys will be sent out very soon. There will be a site to redeem your keys as well.

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