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Re: You want pictures? You get pictures!

Tue Oct 14, 2014 7:25 am

Professor.Oak wrote:So much promise, such amaze, such gwafix, such wow, the Beta is delayed for like the 10th time.

So what's the point of the freaking "Unleashing" videos if the Beta is still not live for those that were promised. I understand there are problems with the builds but that's what Beta's are for. Let us in already. We waiting so long for 10/10/14. Instead, we get these screenshots...

And people still complain.

I already stated why we don't invite more players.

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Re: You want pictures? You get pictures!

Tue Oct 14, 2014 10:58 am

Professor.Oak wrote:So much promise, such amaze, such gwafix, such wow, the Beta is delayed for like the 10th time.

So what's the point of the freaking "Unleashing" videos if the Beta is still not live for those that were promised. I understand there are problems with the builds but that's what Beta's are for. Let us in already. We waiting so long for 10/10/14. Instead, we get these screenshots...

I don't get this... you whine in every single post, despite having a key. You think I'm not excited to play? You think the rest of the people commenting on these threads aren't excited to play? You think the STAFF isn't excited to play? They have access, yes, but it's currently not working out for everyone, so that's why it's been "unofficially delayed" as everyone's saying in the forums. It met its deadline on the 10th but just like with most games, releasing these days, it needs some polish. Nofate is at least taking his time fixing shit before letting people in and having them complain: "This is broken, why isn't this fixed? I did not Not pay money to have such an experience in CLOSED BETA".

If you managed to wait a full year or even longer, if you were here back then, then you can probably wait another week or so for it to be polished, can't you? Sheesh... enough off-topic already. This was meant to discuss the in-game screenshots, not why it's been delayed for everyone. Keep calm and enjoy the fact that it's happening soon at least. Go play some other game in the meantime. :geek: :roll:

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Re: You want pictures? You get pictures!

Tue Oct 14, 2014 12:04 pm

Professor.Oak wrote:the Beta is delayed for like the 10th time

Nope. The beta is live. But as mentioned, people will be allowed in by waves.
Why is that? Because the purpose of the closed beta is to find and fix bugs. And as long as there are major bugs to be fixed, there's no point in letting more people in. It only makes sense to let more people in when all the current major bugs are fixed. Then more people will get in and eventually find and report some more minor bugs to get fixed.
Also, at this stage, VU isn't offering any special feature yet. So, why don't you all keep playing on Origin until NoFaTe and kiwidog have the client ready? At this stage, VU is like Origin with only one server and just a couple of players eventually playing on it while finding bugs.

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Re: You want pictures? You get pictures!

Tue Oct 14, 2014 12:15 pm

Professor.Oak wrote:So much promise, such amaze, such gwafix, such wow, the Beta is delayed for like the 10th time.

So what's the point of the freaking "Unleashing" videos if the Beta is still not live for those that were promised. I understand there are problems with the builds but that's what Beta's are for. Let us in already. We waiting so long for 10/10/14. Instead, we get these screenshots...

Hey m8 just freaking calm down. This ain't a million dollar company like DICE to have the resources to get everything right/polished and that too on-time. And the fact that everything is for free makes it even hard for you to complain.
Don't like it? I will be really happy it I get your beta key :) jk... Wait more. I'm sure that our patience will be rewarded.

Also, the screenshots look amazing. NoFaTe and Kiwi saved my eyes. Thank you.

There shouldn't even be a option to enable a few things like blue tint, suppression,etc. 'Disabled permanently due to its dangerous nature.' :Blue tint-eyes, suppression-rage quit/stress prob.

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Re: You want pictures? You get pictures!

Tue Oct 14, 2014 2:20 pm

RobbingHood wrote:Inviting Youtubers would only be a good thing when there are features to show off. Otherwise people will be like "Wow, it doesn't have anything special yet, why bother?"

Once there are interesting features available, we might think about it.

Spectator, more server settings (no bluetint), ingame menu, separate backend. I don't know about you, but for me thats some really intersting features, it would make a good video, some playing, some talking, what can we expect, etc. If there is no players yet, there wouldn't be a point though.

Professor.Oak wrote:So much promise, such amaze, such gwafix, such wow, the Beta is delayed for like the 10th time.

So what's the point of the freaking "Unleashing" videos if the Beta is still not live for those that were promised. I understand there are problems with the builds but that's what Beta's are for. Let us in already. We waiting so long for 10/10/14. Instead, we get these screenshots...

Don't get why you complain, shit happens and it's just two (?) guys working at this prodject...

Still I don't think the closed beta should be announced a month a head, because people like you complain.. Should just tell us on the day they released it.

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Re: You want pictures? You get pictures!

Tue Oct 14, 2014 11:51 pm

It would be pointless to get big YouTubers to record some footage as the only thing Venice has different from normal servers is that the color correction and lens flare are disabled. When some mods hit VU, it will be worthwhile to actually upload some footage. Say, Karkand with a littlebird.

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Re: You want pictures? You get pictures!

Wed Oct 15, 2014 2:33 pm

Professor.Oak wrote:It would be pointless to get big YouTubers to record some footage as the only thing Venice has different from normal servers is that the color correction and lens flare are disabled. When some mods hit VU, it will be worthwhile to actually upload some footage. Say, Karkand with a littlebird.

The point would be to get some advertising, not to show us who allready know about Venice, it doesn't matter if some feature is missing, they just need a stable build and some players. They will probably come back latter when there is more to show off, they make battleifeld videos twice a week, so why shouldn't they come back?

There is allready specmode, new menu, no bluetint, servers running on a none EA back-end and I guess suppression could be easy to turn off right now.

Yeah, there is some Russian emulators here already, but they haven't got any attention either.
Last edited by faddn on Wed Oct 15, 2014 2:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: You want pictures? You get pictures!

Wed Oct 15, 2014 2:40 pm

faddn wrote:Yeah, there is some Russian emulators here already, but they haven't got any attention either.

We already have more than 400k registered users. Why would be need more for an unfinished product which most of them can't even play, because they have no key?
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Re: You want pictures? You get pictures!

Wed Oct 15, 2014 2:48 pm

AlexEe wrote:
faddn wrote:Yeah, there is some Russian emulators here already, but they haven't got any attention either.

We already have more than 400k registered users. Why would be need more for an unfinished product which most of them can't even play?

I don't know if you have played Rome, I can't say I think there will be much more servers and players in Venice if don't get more attention. Remember, this is a 3 year old game. Alot have moved on to BF4 or other games.

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Re: You want pictures? You get pictures!

Wed Oct 15, 2014 2:54 pm

faddn wrote:I don't know if you have played Rome, I can't say I think there will be much more servers and players in Venice if don't get more attention. Remember, this is a 3 year old game. Alot have moved on to BF4 or other games.

31 players are enough for me. Also, when Venice has reached the open beta stage of development, there is still enough time to tell the world we are better.
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