--> Quick tutorial for setting up B3 (Windows) <--
What is B3?
Big Brother Bot (B3) is a complete and total server administration package for online games. It is the prefered ingame RCON Tool currently available.
B3 is designed primarily to keep your server free from the derelicts of online gaming, but offers more, much more. With the stock configuration files, B3 will keep your server free from offensive language, and team killers alike. A completely automated and customizable warning system will warn the offending players that this type of behavior is not allowed on your server, and ultimately kick, and or ban them for a predetermined time limit.
(Source: http://www.bigbrotherbot.net)
I will use XAMPP, since it's somewhat easy to install. Please do not use this on a dedicated server! Instead install your webserver and MySQL server manually! (security and so on). Well I bet you know that, since you are renting a dedicated server, and for that you must have knowledge about that stuff!
- PC
- Webserver (in this case XAMPP)
- HDD Space
- basic knowledge about PCs
Download the files:
- Download the latest version of XAMPP from here
- Bigbrotherbot from here. I suggest to use the .zip package
- Download Notepad++ for editing config files
--> Install XAMPP + import the .b3.sql <--
- Install the latest XAMPP, which you downloaded some minutes ago.
- Start the XAMPP Control Panel via the Shortcut on your Desktop or via the 'xampp-control.exe' in C:\xampp (default path)
- You will see a shiny window. Click at the 'Start' buttons near Apache and MySQL. If you see two green stripes, it's working. If not, then there is something wrong. (Mostly Skype is blocking Port 80 -> Tools - Options - Advanced - Connection - Remove the tick 'Use port 80 and 443 as alternatives for incoming connections') If it still not working please use Google to get answers! I will not help you at this point. If you fail again, then you don't have the basic knowlegde about PCs!
- Extract the B3.zip (named BigBrotherBot-1.9.2-win32.zip or something like that) somewhere on your HDD, which you download some minutes ago. And don't touch any files now!
- Go into the /sql/ folder and remember this (b3.sql) filename. You will need it soon™
- Open your browser and go to http://localhost/phpmyadmin/, you don't need to enter a password. (I recommend to set it - ask Google how)
- Now something 'difficult': Click at User, and search for Add user. In the next window enter a new Username (please something easy, like 'b3'), Host is localhost (use the dropdown menu), and generate a password (hint: there is a button. For me is it 'eKxeQ5YSNCJbP8eJ'). And please, please: Enable 'Create database with same name and grant all privileges'. Now click at 'Add User'. The window will close and you will see a new user at the left side.
- Click at the username, which you created some seconds ago, and go to Import. You will see a button called 'Browse...' Click at it and search your 'b3.sql'. Scroll down and click at 'Go'. Successful? You will see some output, like 'Import has been successfully finished, 27 queries executed. (b3.sql)'
- Close your browser.
--> Configure B3 <--
- Go in your /conf/ folder and download this default b3.xml. After putting it in your conf folder open it with Notepad++.
- I will show you now the most important settings in this .xml:
Change your MySQL data in line 21 (I will use the settings, which I used above):Code: Select all
<set name="database">mysql://b3:[email protected]/b3</set>
- Change your timezone in line 28:
Code: Select all
<set name="time_zone">CET</set>
- Change your public IP in line 40 (maybe is working aswell):
Code: Select all
<set name="public_ip"></set>
- Change your port in line 42:
Code: Select all
<set name="port">19567</set>
- Change your Rcon IP (maybe is working aswell) in line 44:
Code: Select all
<set name="rcon_ip"></set>
- Change your Rcon port in line 46:
Code: Select all
<set name="rcon_port">48888</set>
- Change your Rcon password in line 48:
Code: Select all
<set name="rcon_password">myrconpassword</set>
- You can change the other settings, if you want.
- Check the /conf/ folder for plugins. Edit them (just open them with Notepad++ and read all comments), and you are done.
- Start your server and after that the 'b3_run.exe'
- Join the server and type in the public chat following command: !iamgod
B3 setup
B3 can't find the database
Open your b3.xml in b3/conf/ and go to the line where your database is setted. Make sure it has the following format:
Code: Select all
<set name="database">mysql://[db-user]:[db-password]@[db-server[:port]]/[db-name]</set>
(use the user, password and database you've setted earlier)
Multiple instances
Right click "b3_run.exe", create shortcut, right click the shortcut, properties, in the target box add to the end of the text in that box: " -c "conf/<name>.xml"
Usage of the !login command
To prevent that someone changes their XUID to yours, and therefore controls your server, you can use the 'login-plugin'.
1.) Add this line to your b3.xml at the 'plugin-section':
Code: Select all
<plugin config="@conf/plugin_login.xml" name="login" />
2.) Change the plugin_login.xml, loacted in the conf folder to your favorite settings
3.) Go into your MySQL database, and go to <databasename> (ex. 'b3') --> 'clients' --> search your name (e.g. MAGIC) and click at 'edit'.
4.) Go to this MD5-'translator' homepage, because your password have to saved as MD5-hash. Enter your password in the TEXT thingy and click at ENCODE. Now you can copy your password as MD5-hash...
5.) Change to your MySQL database and paste the MD5-hash password in the password-field.
6.) Start/Restart your B3 and join your server.
7.) Now login with
Code: Select all
/!login <password>
When you bind/write this command then be sure you are hiding it (default with /!login <password>! Or your password is revealed!
When you bind/write this command then be sure you are hiding it (default with /!login <password>! Or your password is revealed!
How can I get superadmin on my server?
Type !iamgod in the server's chat, it should give you superadmin ([100]).
How can i give other people admin?
type !putgroup <name> <group>
Default groups are: moderator, admin, fulladmin, senioradmin, superadmin
Which commands can I use?
Check this site: http://wiki.bigbrotherbot.net/usage:commands
I'll (try) to update this